104 enrolled in Midwestern’s undergraduate college
By Cory Miller
MBTS Communications Director
February 22, 2005
KANSAS CITY – In just its second semester of existence, Midwestern Baptist College, SBC, the undergraduate school of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, has 104 students enrolled for the spring academic semester, according to Dr. Jim Anderson, dean of the College.
“We’re absolutely thrilled that in this initial stage of the college we already have 104 students enrolled and actively studying here,” said Anderson of the school that was established in March 2004 by the seminary’s Board of Trustees.
“It is with a grateful heart that we acknowledge the Lord’s blessing in sending us such a fine group of students for Midwestern Baptist College,” Midwestern Seminary President Dr. R. Philip Roberts said. “It is my conviction that this growth indicates that the future is bright.”
Currently, the College offers an Associate of Divinity degree program, and an Associate of Arts degree program with several emphases: Biblical Studies, Christian Education, and Music, including a concentration in Church Planting.
The associate degrees are designed to prepare students with introductory skills needed for service in local church ministries, evangelism, foreign or North American missions, or denominational service.
A four-year Bachelor of Arts degree program, currently under review by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association, is ready to be implemented.
“I’m very optimistic that this will take place,” Anderson said of the potential bachelor degree program. “There are always those possible slowdowns but we do not anticipate any at this point.”
According to Anderson, the four-year degree program’s professors, course descriptions, objectives, degree requirements and syllabi are all in place and ready-to-go pending accreditation for the Fall 2005 semester.
A review team from the HLC is scheduled to visit the campus in May 2005.
Anderson noted one other exciting future possibility for the college that is also currently under development: an adult accelerated degree completion program.
“For the four-year program, we’re already working on an accelerated degree completion program for older students that are unable to be in class during the week on a traditional delivery system,” said Anderson, mentioning the large number of students who have asked for it.
“There’s a lot of exciting things happening here.”
Midwestern Baptist College, SBC, is located on the campus of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City.