New governor, Missouri Baptists connect prior to inauguration
January 25, 2005
When: Jan. 5.
What: Commissioning Prayer Service, 93rd Missouri General Assembly, sponsored by The Pathway, The Christian Life Commission of the Missouri Baptist Convention and Concord Baptist Church, Jefferson City, the host church.
Who: Jay Scribner, pastor, First Baptist Church, Branson, delivered a message to an audience that included Gov.-elect Blunt on the front pew.
Outline: Scribner presented a three-point sermon that contained a comprehensive worldview for ministers/elected officials based on foundational principles for citizenship, functional public servanthood and faithful patriotism, all found in the Word of God.
When: Jan. 9.
What: Private worship service in Fulton for family and friends of Gov.-elect Blunt at Westminster College’s Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury.
Who: Paul Brooks, pastor, First Baptist Church, Raytown, delivered a message the evening before the inauguration on Proverbs 3:5-6, showing Gov.-elect Blunt the pathway to know God’s will.
Outline: Brooks said it was a short message within “more of a high church service.” Melanie Blunt, on the eve of becoming Missouri’s First Lady, did the order of service, Brooks said, which was more in line with her Episcopalian tradition. Brooks simply urged Gov.-elect Blunt to trust in the Lord with all of his heart as he stepped into the state’s top job.
When: Jan. 10.
What: Public prayer service for Missouri residents and legislators at First Baptist Church, Jefferson City.
Who: John Marshall, pastor, Second Baptist Church, Springfield, delivered a message just hours before Gov. Blunt was sworn in, challenging him to be honest, humble, a good husband, and holy. The Blunts were seated on the front pew.
Outline: Marshall said it was easy to preach this sermon because he knows the governor so well. Gov. Blunt regularly attends Second Baptist, often going with his mother, Roseann. “I’m trying to quit calling him Matt,” Marshall said. “Out of respect, I want to call him governor from now on.”