KANSAS CITY – Award-winning author Teresa J. Herbic’s new book released from Whitaker House September, 2016, has a broad spectrum of church and community leaders united on one point: Family Prayer Made Easy, is a well-written, practical and invaluable spiritual tool, crucial for this generation.
Herbic will be at Barnes and Noble, Zona Rosa Kansas City on Saturday October 8, 2016 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. for a book celebration and signing. We hope you will join her!
Robert C. Springate, of the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home Foundation, says “Teresa Herbic loves the Lord, loves families, and loves children (particularly those in need of a ‘forever family’ through foster or adoptive placement). Her love shines through this book as she writes about new and creative ways to share the truth and good news of the gospel with those for whom she so deeply cares.”
“Wow! Teresa delivers a book that so many families can actually use to re-connect to God,” says Humane Society Communications Manager Karen L. Allanach. “Family Prayer Made Easy makes daily prayer a fun, family activity while keeping the faith. Teresa’s lifelong dedication to orphans—both children and animals—is unwavering, and she consistently finds ways to celebrate and nurture God in our everyday lives. “
“This book will bless you and anchor your home,” says 700 Club host Terry Meeuwsen who also serves as the director of Orphan’s Promise. “Teresa Herbic has done all of the legwork for us with her prayer guide in order that we might pray as families. I can’t think of anything more powerful or more important.”
Teresa draws liberally from Scripture and personal experience including inspiring and humorous stories of life with her husband Galen and their two adopted children, Meyana and Braxten. The introduction includes the brief and practical sections, “How to Use This Book,” and “Ten Steps to Fruitful Prayer.” Then through 14 chapters she offers a host of ways families can draw closer to God and one another through prayer, with stories for children of all ages, Scriptures about prayer and God’s promises, and 100 interactive ideas for prayer and family worship.
Dave Coffman, director of Adoption Resource Foundation sums the book up well: “In this insightful guide, Teresa Herbic shares how together we build forever families.”