The Executive Board of the 1,900 member-churches of the Missouri Baptist Convention has named a portion of their Jefferson City headquarters as the “Larry Lewis Learning Center.”
And for good reason! Some of the highlights of his flow of ministry reveal the following:
- Following seminary graduation, church “planter” (beginning new churches) in the Northeast, serving as pastor of some of them;
- Pastor of Tower Grove Baptist Church in St. Louis;
- President of Hannibal-LaGrange University in Hannibal, MO;
- President of the SBC Home Mission Board (now the North American Mission Board) overseeing 5,000 missionaries,
- National staff member of the Mission America Coalition (under the leadership of Dr. Paul Cedar) as liaison, relating to more than 50 denominations and their leaders to take the whole Gospel to the whole nation through “prayer-care-share.”
- Serving yet today as an interim pastor, a Director of Missions, member of the Executive Board of the Missouri Baptist Convention … and, with his wife Creeda … on the board of the Freeway Foundation (which I – hhh — am honored to currently chair).
Thank you, longtime friend, Dr. Larry Lewis, for a life that is – to this very day – well lived as a servant of Jesus Christ!