By Staff
KANSAS CITY (BP) – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s president teamed up with the Texas-based Partnership Evangelism ministry to share the Gospel with thousands of people at Kowloon City Baptist Church in Hong Kong during a two-week trip.
“The Kowloon City Baptist Church is on the cutting edge of the Great Commission,” R. Philip Roberts said. “God is mightily using them to reach their city and to touch their world for the Gospel.”
Partnership Evangelism Founder Dub Jackson led the trip, which also included Roberts’ son Mark.
Such trips often stir participants into career missionary service, Jackson said. The Hong Kong outreach is the most recent of 100-plus Partnership Evangelism campaigns in more than 50 countries since 1963.
“The campaign we just completed, where Dr. Roberts served as the leader of the team for the largest Baptist church in Hong Kong, was blessed with 285 professions of faith,” Jackson said.
“When you include the fruits of the partnership teams in other parts of the city, that total reached around 500,” Jackson said.
Kiven Choy, pastor of Kowloon City Baptist Church, said ministering and sharing the Gospel in Hong Kong entails the same challenges pastors and missionaries face in other parts of the world.
“We’re in a large, metropolitan area, so evangelizing to the people is all about being bold and sharing the Gospel message with them,” Choy said. “When you do, as the results of our recent partnership show, the Lord Jesus can do incredible things.”
Jackson agreed, saying, “When we’re bold and confident that God will save folks when they’re given the invitation to receive Him, He’s proven time and again that He will keep His Word. He blesses our obedience when we witness at all times and in every country.”
Roberts said the trip to Hong Kong was “an incredible time to witness, preach and reach people for Christ. As Christians, God calls every one of us to be evangelists, whether at home or around the world. We must obey His call and carry out the Great Commission.”
Jackson said the need for laborers is great all over the world, “and any loving Christian can go and be effective.”
Partnership Evangelism links Southern Baptist churches with churches overseas through exchanges of pastor-led teams of laypeople. Teams from those countries, in turn, have conducted reciprocal evangelistic efforts in Southern Baptist churches in the United States.