2005 MMO presentation will feature two options
February 8, 2005
JEFFERSON CITY – The goal for the 2005 Rheubin L. South Missouri Missions Offering, which will be applied to 2006 Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) ministries, will remain at $750,000.
The next possible year to increase the MMO goal would be 2006. MBC Executive Director David Clippard said he would like to see it go up.
“A state our size, we’d like to see a $1 million goal,” he said.
At a Jan. 20 meeting of the MMO Promotions Committee, the current theme, “A Heart to Sow,” and MMO theme scripture, Matthew 13:24, were discussed. Also the theme for 2006, “A Heart to Show,” with the theme scripture James 2:18c were selected. MBC Associate Executive Director David Waganer said that this year’s MMO will feature more creativity.
“There’s a basic way to use the material (the convention mails to churches) and an expanded option, and that’s going to be a new approach this year for MMO,” he said. “We’re trying to give choices.”