JEFFERSON CITY — While leading a workshop, Mark Snowden, Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) evangelism/discipleship strategist, showed a director of missions a color-coded map of Missouri. In one of the counties that he serves in his association, one of the counties was colored red.
“He quickly looked at the legend next to the map,” Snowden said. “Some nine out of ten people in his county were not born-again! Then I showed him the interactive version. He clicked on the map right where the red county was. It opened a one-page data sheet. He just shook his head both in amazement and at the challenge that now confronted him.”
Missouri Baptists can now get a general idea of “lostness” in each of 114 Missouri counties through a special color-coded map. Snowden and his ministry assistant, Beth Peeper, developed the map. Kenny McCune, who is a member of the MBC Communications staff, developed the interactive version.
The online version is interactive at It is called WIGtake – short for “What’s It Gonna Take?” The map is based on the 2010 U.S. Census data and information by the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA).
“When you click on your county, a PDF document opens on your computer providing key religious and demographic statistics,” Snowden said. “If you click on the word ‘Missouri,’ you can compare your county’s statistics with those statewide.”
The map defines 88 evangelical denominations in Missouri that hold to three biblical priorities: (1) the need to be born again; (2) believing the Bible is inspired of God; and (3) the need to tell others about Jesus. Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) churches make up 49.4 percent of Missouri evangelicals.
Snowden was quick to point out that the data is “probably not precise” though it is up to date.
“For instance,” he said, “the SBC numbers don’t always match the reports the MBC uses in the Annual Church Profile. However, they are the best sources of data that are available to us right now.”
Snowden said the DOM who viewed the statistics for his association’s counties began to think through the need for church planting and evangelism. Typical questions Snowden asks church leaders include: What now? What will be your response? What will your church do to evangelize and make disciples with the good news of Jesus?
Snowden offered a guide for developing an evangelism plan for your church:
Higher percentages: If the percent of non-evangelicals is relatively higher in your county, urgently tackle it as the Lord leads you. Pray! Order the Awaken 21-Day Prayer Guide by Claude King. Snowden and Peeper will send it to you for free. Prioritize evangelizing through personal evangelism and church-wide GPS Big Day Events. Check out the evangelism/discipleship resources compiled for you at Invite a vocational evangelist into your church ( Conduct a TruthSticks Training workshop to accurately communicate with the oral learners in your community.
Lower percentages: If your county has a relatively lower percent of non-evangelicals, a greater number of evangelicals, look around the map to see what other counties might need some help and partner up. Work cooperatively with other associations and churches.
Snowden wants Missouri Baptists to prioritize making disciples who can keep making disciples.
“Answer the WIGtake question,” he said. “Pray over this new state map and lostness levels in your county. Rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you. And may God be glorified.”