By Brian Koonce
Staff Writer
BRANSON – The backbone of Missouri Baptists churches – bivocational pastors – are the focus of a three-day retreat here sponsored by the Ministerial Services team of the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC).
The retreat is June 20-23 and is geared specifically to pastors of churches averaging less than 125 on Sunday morning and their families. Thirteen of the 50-family slots for the retreat are still open.
“We wanted to do something to encourage, equip and empower them,” said George Roach, ministerial services specialist for the MBC, “and just to show them how much we care about them.”
Approximately 1,300 of the 1,900 churches that make up the Missouri Baptist Convention fall within the 125-and-under category.
Bobby Welch, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, is the keynote speaker, while breakout sessions will focus on promotion and marketing of churches, discipleship, Sunday School, retirement planning, leadership training, outreach in the small church, worship planning, revival, time management and stewardship. There will be sessions designed specifically for pastors’ wives. There will also be programs for children and students.
“It won’t be a whole bunch of theory,” Roach said. “It will be very practical.”
The retreat cost is $199 and includes three nights at the Savannah House, plus four meals. The conference portion of the retreat will be at Skyline Baptist Church. The schedule has time built in for families to relax or see the sights and activities of the Branson area.
“We’re able to do it at that price because of the generosity of churches through their gifts to the Cooperative Program,” Roach said.
For more information or to register, contact Cindy Reichard at 1-800-736-6227 ext. 221.