High in the Himalayan mountains of South Asia is a valley that is home to eight million Muslims. God is at work among the people, bringing many to salvation, but new believers are facing severe persecution. As the Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church approaches, will you pray for the believers in this valley and other brothers and sisters of the faith who are met with threats, beatings, imprisonment, loss of family and income, and even death for the sake of Christ? Among the … [Read more...]
English club opens door to sharing gospel
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (IMB) – English club in Buenos Aires, Argentina, started out simple enough. Participants learned a few phrases, talked about American culture and listened to English vocabulary. As part of the curriculum, Chris and Rhonda Richard, International Mission Board missionaries from Hebron Baptist Church in Kentucky, introduced club members to “Three Circles.” This tool is often used by American churches to share the gospel. That’s when the club morphed from training … [Read more...]
Lostness impacted by largest Annie Armstrong, Lottie Moon offerings in SBC history
by IMB/NAMB staff members Generosity among Southern Baptists remains strong as evidenced by the most recent Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® totals. When the books closed on the SBC’s 2023-24 fiscal year Sept. 30, the Annie offering totaled $74.7 million, and the Lottie offering totaled $206.8 million — record highs for both. The openhanded giving through both the Annie and Lottie offerings demonstrates Southern Baptists’ enduring commitment to … [Read more...]
International Mission Board’s Masters (55+) Program offers pathway for kingdom impact
By Chris Doyle/IMB RICHMOND, Va. (IMB) – People age 55 and older have an opportunity to participate in the core missionary task with the International Mission Board. The IMB is inviting such Southern Baptist church members to give two years of their next season to the Lord, fully funded, using their gifts and skills for kingdom impact. The Masters (55+) Program allows participants to join a missionary team, mentor younger families, encourage national leaders to continue the work, … [Read more...]
Language preservation provides gospel access for African tribal groups
When an older Muslim man grabbed her hand, IMB missionary Jackie Lewis was shocked. Muslim men do not customarily touch women who are not close relatives, especially young, single women like Lewis. The man pointed to a set of rocks arranged across the floor of the classroom. Each rock represented a different story from the Bible. They had just finished hearing the story concerning Isaiah’s prophecy of the coming Savior and stopped for a break. “Are you going to tell us the story of … [Read more...]
Baptist witness continues in Gaza, Israel year into war as fighting expands
GAZA (BP) – Gaza Baptist Church is heavily damaged, perhaps beyond repair. Its 50 or so members have all fled to safer ground. But the Baptist witness has not left. “Donated by Gaza Baptist Church,” reads signs at distribution points where Christian Mission to Gaza (CM2G) serves 1,000 hot meals at a time to Muslim families in South Gaza. An estimated 650 Catholic and Greek Orthodox Christians remain in Gaza, down from about 800 when the Israel-Hamas War began. Nearly a year into … [Read more...]
IMB reports LMCO totals more than $204 million; trustees approve $312 million budget
RICHMOND, Va. (IMB) – International Mission Board trustees approved the appointment of 69 full-time, fully funded missionaries during their Sept. 25-26 meeting near Richmond, Virginia. Fifty-seven of the missionaries participated in a Sending Celebration hosted by First Baptist Church Park Street, Charlottesville — the historic church where the famous Southern Baptist missionary Lottie Moon was baptized. Trustee chairman Keith Evans from the Northwest Baptist Convention presided over the … [Read more...]
Missions starts at home for newest IMB missionaries
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (IMB) – Lottie Moon’s home church hosted the International Mission Board’s Sept. 25 Sending Celebration. Rob Pochek, senior pastor of First Baptist Church Park Street, Charlottesville, Va., told the 57 newly appointed missionaries, their families and friends that he couldn’t think of a more appropriate place to send them off to the nations than the place Lottie Moon first heeded God’s calling on her life. “On Dec. 21, 1858, a student came to a revival service here. … [Read more...]
China has no religious freedom, USCIRF says, days after release of U.S. pastor
WASHINGTON (BP) – China has tightened its control of religion, creating such crimes as genocide, mass arrests and enforced disappearances, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) said in a Sept. 23 fact sheet, days after China released long-imprisoned American Protestant pastor David Lin. “Sinicization, or the complete subordination of religious groups to the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party’s) political agenda and Marxist vision for religion, has become the core … [Read more...]
Hispanic volunteers share a story that changes lives
by Tessa Sanchez/IMB “We did not go to work. We went to see God at work, and praise God that He used us beyond what we could do for His glory,” Annel Robayna said. Robayna, who serves as IMB’s Hispanic church mobilization strategist, recently traveled with church leaders and members of Hispanic churches in the U.S. to serve alongside Hispanic missionaries Adam and Janene Rios. The Rioses serve with the IMB in Southeast Asia. During their two-week trip, 130 people heard the gospel, … [Read more...]
103-plus Sudanese refugees find hope in Christ
SOUTH SUDAN (BP) – The Muslim Sudanese refugee said he was the richest man in his village before he lost all he owned. “I’ve lost everything, but I know it was good because now I found God,” he told Zach Potts of Empower One, a Send Relief partner serving Sudanese refugees. “And three days later he went to a church service in South Sudan and made a profession of faith and gave his life to the Lord,” Potts, Empower One’s South Sudan Liaison, told Baptist Press. “It’s a horrible … [Read more...]
Suicidal woman finds lifeline through IMB Facebook ad
by Kristen Sosebee/IMB On the morning of July 27 at 11:17, a message appeared on Mary’s screen: “It’s hard.” Mary, a volunteer digital responder in Indiana, read the words and paused. She knew only that the message was in response to the International Mission Board’s digital engagement Olympic ad, “How can we pray for you in Jesus’ name?” But, it was also a cry for help. Prayerfully, Mary typed a message of hope and hit reply. The woman she was communicating with lived halfway … [Read more...]
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