EDITOR'S NOTE: Timothy Faber serves as legislative consultant with the Missouri Baptist Convention. All of us have complained about the government at one time or another. Even the perpetually positive Ronald Reagan once quipped “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help." Everything from taxes, to red tape, to oppressive regulations from un-elected bureaucrats . . . give us something to complain about regarding the government. But … [Read more...]
Gambling does not promote God’s kingdom
Missouri Amendments 2, 5 propose to expand gambling in Missouri EDITOR'S NOTE: Timothy Faber serves as legislative consultant with the Missouri Baptist Convention. One of my many fond memories from being a student at Southwest Baptist University was singing the Lord’s Prayer in chapel services. When Pike auditorium was filled with the voices of 1700 or so students worshipping through the singing of that prayer, it would reverberate off the walls and our hearts resonated the heart of God. … [Read more...]
Speak up for the voiceless
EDITOR'S NOTE: Timothy Faber serves as legislative liaison for the Missouri Baptist Convention Ancient Rome was a wretched place. They made sport of people being devoured by wild beasts and cheered as gladiators fought in the arenas. They also had a practice called “exposure” – taking an unwanted newborn to the dump and leaving them exposed to the elements and the rodents. Infanticide. But in the first century AD the church was accused of turning the world upside down (Acts 17:6). In time, … [Read more...]
Yes, one vote can save thousands of lives
EDITOR'S NOTE: Every vote matters. The last day to register to register to vote in the Nov. 5th general election is Oct. 9. Timothy Faber serves as legislative consultant for the Missouri Baptist Convention. This article was updated on Aug. 15. In recent months, 380,000 signatures have been submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office in an effort to add a right to abortion in Missouri’s constitution. The Missouri Secretary of State’s office announced Tuesday, Aug. 13, that pro-abortion … [Read more...]
Refuge for the unborn
The Lord instructed Israel to set aside “cities of refuge” (Numbers 35 and elsewhere) for the protection and preservation of life for those who were guilty of manslaughter. A person could flee to these cities and be protected from the avenger of blood. In 19th century America, there was a network of “stations” in an intangible “underground railroad” that provided protection and safe passage for slaves seeking freedom. In recent years some cities have declared themselves sanctuaries for … [Read more...]
Legislative recap: Gambling bill fails, Bible bill and SAFE Act succeed
The legislative session is over for this year. Our Missouri Legislature, is restricted by our state constitution to adjourn on May 30th of each year. However, the constitution also says that any bills not passed by “6pm on the first Friday after the second Monday in May are tabled.” Of course, being tabled means those bills die since the session adjourns on the 30th and there is no other opportunity to vote on bills. So, for all intents and purposes, the session has ended for this year. … [Read more...]
Do you want to defend parental rights?
EDITOR'S NOTE: Timothy Faber serves as legislative liaison for the Missouri Baptist Convention. There are several bills in our state legislature this session that call for establishing a “Parental Bill of Rights.” Among them are HB627, Sb4, SB89, SB318, SB451, and SJR29. Each of them have some very good aspects. The final outcome will likely be some combination of these bills. It should be abundantly clear, however, that simply making a law does not solve the problem. In Scripture, we … [Read more...]