EDITOR'S NOTE: Rodney Harrison serves as president of The Baptist Homes & Healthcare Ministries. I always look forward to our January leadership team workshop. These events provide an opportunity for campus administrators and corporate leaders to enjoy a time of prayer, planning, and reflection. While our ministry has five strategic priorities for 2025, they all fall under the overriding principle of biblical stewardship. Each of us serves this ministry as a custodian of the time, … [Read more...]
My favorite uncle didn’t recognize me
EDITOR'S NOTE: Rodney Harrison is president of Baptist Homes & Healthcare Ministries. The Baptist Homes staff regularly receive calls regarding placement for loved ones whose declining health make living alone imprudent. Often, holiday gatherings reinforce concerns regarding the ability of a family member or loved one to safely live alone. In one case, a favorite uncle did not recognize his nephew. That was just one of several concerns raised during this family gathering. When … [Read more...]
A new 30,000-foot view of the BHHM
Google Earth has transformed the way we view our world from “30,000 feet.” Much has changed since the inaugural “30,000-foot view” on Jan. 13, 1920. On that day in history, Capt. Rudolph Schroeder and his co-pilot became the first humans to get a “30,000-foot view” of earth during high altitude testing in a specially equipped biplane. Since that time the phase, “a 30,000-foot view” has been used to describe looking at the “big picture.” Today, one can get a 30,000-foot view with the touch … [Read more...]
A better ministry by measuring results
When I came to The Baptist Home from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MBTS), I brought with me a conviction Dr. Jason Allen, MBTS president, regularly impressed upon his leadership, which was, “Organizations achieve not what they expect, but what they inspect.” That first year, The Baptist Home leadership and board established a strategic plan with seven priority initiatives. That process continues to inform opportunities for improvement as well as opportunities for celebration. … [Read more...]
‘Vacancy’ sign shines bright at Baptist Homes
Several years ago, I was riding through a summer snowstorm on motorcycle in the Rocky Mountains. I was completely unprepared for the weather and progress was much slower than anticipated. As I approached Breckenridge, Colorado, I could only think of a hot bath and a night’s rest. When I entered town, I passed a motel with a “No Vacancy” sign lit up. I was devastated but kept riding. The unforeseen snowstorm seemed to have everyone searching for a room. Imagine my relief when I finally saw … [Read more...]
Salvation through a sign
People often quip about wanting a “sign from God” before they will change. Recently, a vendor at the Ozark campus came to faith in Christ after viewing a Bible verse scrolling on a video kiosk at the campus. This gentleman, like so many who visit our Baptist Homes campuses, immediately experienced an environment that was different from other senior communities. At Baptist Homes, one does not need to go far to see that our commitment to being a distinctly Christian ministry goes beyond … [Read more...]
Legacies of Commitment
My wife and I were blessed to enjoy an example of marital commitment that spanned over 130 years between her parents and my parents. While some would say, “but times have changed,” these couples weathered the swinging 60s, tumultuous 70s and the economic challenges of the 1980s. While the accumulation of years has slowed by the passing of Julie’s mother, the example of our parent’s marital commitment shines as an example to their children and grandchildren. While our parents walked similar … [Read more...]
Redefining success
What is success? As a, parent, pastor, professor, and current president of Baptist Homes, I have sought after success for my children, church members, students, and team members. But what is success? As I write this, the 2022-23 Deer Season in Missouri is coming to a close. Opening day was September 15. By one measure – filling a tag – my opening day was a failure, as my time in the field yielded no meat for the table. By the measures that count – relationships, discipleship, and … [Read more...]
Lessons from a letter writer
When I was much younger, I had the opportunity to be part of a team transcribing unopened Charles Spurgeon letters. Charles H. Spurgeon, the renowned “Prince of Preachers,” was reported to pen up to 500 personal letters per week. Over the course of his ministry, hundreds of his letters were deemed undeliverable for one reason or another. Many ended up in the “dead letter” bin of London’s General Post Office. Given Spurgeon’s popularity, most of these letters were preserved and eventually … [Read more...]
The Bottleneck
While driving to our son’s house, my wife and I encountered a traffic jam that was identified on my traffic app as “bottleneck ahead.” According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a bottleneck is “a problem that delays progress.” That was sure true on that day, as traffic went from an average of 70 mph to a standstill. For several miles we never exceeded 6 mph, and most of the time was spent making no progress whatsoever. What caused the bottleneck was bridge repairs that rendered one of two … [Read more...]
The principles that guide us
Three years ago this September, I was asked to consider serving as interim president for Baptist Homes & Healthcare Ministries. When I inquired about the ministry’s guiding principles—documents such as the organizational mission, vision and values, I received several blank stares. One person I spoke with said, “I think we have those in a binder.” In the words of Apollo 13 astronaut John Swigert, “Houston, we’ve had a problem.” Imagine being asked to meet a friend at noon on Friday at … [Read more...]
The reflection in the mirror is wrong
Last spring, I inherited an office space that had been used by other leaders for over two decades. One of the room’s handsome adornments was a very large, heavily framed mirror that seemed ideal for ensuring one looked their best prior to a meeting or formal engagement. However, something was not right. Although the mirror provided a full body reflection, the perspective the mirror provided was wrong. The reason was that this mirror was a “Motel Mirror” designed to be hung vertically. … [Read more...]