I would graciously disagree with anyone arguing that college students are the future of the church. Instead, I would suggest that college students are the present church, fully capable of leading and serving well! I would further suggest that many college students desire to lead and/or serve, and in the right context will do so with great passion. Are most college students interested in attending a traditional Baptist business meeting? Probably not (I don’t know that I’m all that … [Read more...]
Watering dirt
When we moved to Jefferson City, the housing market was rather difficult. Very few homes were available in the price range and size we desired, so we made an offer on a house in the process of being built. The size and layout seemed sufficient for our family, but since the exterior bricks had not been laid yet, we didn’t even know what the finished house would look like. Regardless, we liked the quiet neighborhood, the trees in the back yard, and the proximity to the office, so we moved … [Read more...]
First-Person: I’ve named Rob Phillips MBC Associate Executive Director
In 20-plus years of ministry, I’ve certainly learned the importance, as well as the blessing, of serving alongside a talented staff. I’ve heard it said that a difficult situation can immediately be improved by the right person, and a great situation can immediately be damaged by the wrong person. If you’ve been in leadership any length of time, you know from experience this is true. Surrounding yourself with the right people is essential. With this foundation in mind, I’m excited to … [Read more...]
Send Missouri
Recently, I was blessed with the opportunity to fellowship alongside Send Missouri in St. Louis. For those unaware, Send Missouri is in close partnership with the MBC to help churches plant churches in Missouri, and it’s funded by your generous Cooperative Program support. Jason Zellmer leads Send Missouri, and in the short amount of time we’ve spent together, I’ve already been blessed by his enthusiasm for serving the local church. The gathering in St. Louis was well attended, with nearly … [Read more...]
Let’s support Annie
Each year as we approach Easter, we have the unique opportunity to support the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. As you likely know, this offering helps support 2,900-plus North American Mission Board (NAMB) missionaries serving across the United States and Canada. Every dollar given is used towards evangelism, church planting, and providing relief to those who are hurting. It’s truly an offering worth supporting. Annie Armstrong passed away in 1938 at the age of 88, so many today are … [Read more...]
A faithful example
When I think about the Cooperative Program, I oftentimes think about my mom and dad. I know that’s probably unique. As I’ve said before, I was basically born and raised at FBC Mayfield, Ky., then later in life I had the honor of pastoring my home church. Growing up, my parents faithfully attended, served, and contributed to FBC. They were faithful because the church was perfect. No issues. No drama. No disagreements. No disappointments. No bad decisions. No problems at all. Therefore, since … [Read more...]
One pastor’s plan for cooperative ministry
When the search committee for FBC Mayfield contacted me in December of 2010, one of my first requests was for a copy of the church budget. I wanted to see what the church members prioritized and what they valued. I wanted to evaluate how much was budgeted for internal matters, such as fellowships, versus how much was budgeted for evangelism and missions. I believe you can tell a lot about a church by looking at its budget. FBC Mayfield has a long history of faithfulness. It’s where I was … [Read more...]
A wife’s reflections on a new journey with Jesus
Moves and transitions impact the entire family, and spouses are oftentimes affected in ways unknown to most. Our family is no different, and Tara has experienced a multitude of emotions throughout our journey to Missouri. Tara worked in education for over 20 years – 19 years as a high school math teacher and a year and a half as an elementary school principal. She served for more than 20 years in either the children’s or youth ministry where I pastored, the past 12 years at FBC Mayfield, … [Read more...]
Reflections on Missouri Baptist life
I’ve enjoyed the honor of serving in my new role for two months now, and it’s been an absolute blessing to interact with many of our pastors and leaders throughout the state. I’m thankful for every opportunity to preach, I’ve enjoyed multiple times of meaningful fellowship, and I’m always excited to share my heart for the future of Missouri Baptists. As I reflect on my brief time in Missouri, a few observations surface rather quickly. First, our pastors are striving to serve faithfully. … [Read more...]
Why should we cooperate?
As a local pastor in Kentucky, I would sometimes hear a fellow pastor ask, “Wes, do you think we should continue supporting the Cooperative Program?” For me, it was always an easy answer: Yes. Despite potential concerns, and despite the latest argument on social media, I believe the Cooperative Program remains a vital tool for reaching our nation and the world for Christ. Let me briefly share three foundational reasons cooperation is so beneficial. First and foremost, our missionaries … [Read more...]