NEW ORLEANS (BP) – Joseph Somkhith* understands the plight of today’s 60 million refugees. He once lived as one. Somkhith was 10 years old when he and his brother fled Laos after a communist takeover in the mid-1970s. The two boys crossed the Mekong River into Thailand, facing what Somkhith described as “insecurity and violence” along the way. Nearly a year later, Somkhith’s family was reunited in a refugee camp in Thailand. “My family separated from each other for the sake of saving … [Read more...]
Returning missionaries grateful for help from Southern Baptists
RICHMOND, Va. (BP) – International Mission Board missionaries and staff are expressing thanks for the way Southern Baptists have stepped up to provide offers of housing, vehicles and job opportunities to missionaries who have accepted IMB’s voluntary retirement incentive. “Southern Baptists are not only catching the ball, they are running 99-yard touchdowns,” said one missionary serving in Asia. “ … I am praying that people will see what Southern Baptists are doing and will see His … [Read more...]