EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was first published on The Stream at https://stream.org/are-southern-baptists-ready-for-a-world-that-despises-christians/. Aaron Renn’s penetrating analysis of American evangelicalism in his First Things article triggered much thought. As a respected writer and thinker, Renn uses the framework of three worlds (positive, neutral, negative) with evangelicals swimming against a relentless secular rip current. Evangelicals are not only losing standing in the … [Read more...]
Adrian Rogers: Prophet of the Conservative Resurgence
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the twelfth article in a year-long series, commemorating the history of the Conservative Resurgence of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in honor of its 40th anniversary. To read previous articles, visit www.mbcpathway.com/ConservativeResurgence. MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Adrian Rogers probably stepped on more toes than any preacher in Southern Baptist history! We loved him for it because he always spoke the truth in love. Few sounded more like a first century Apostle … [Read more...]
Paige Patterson and the Conservative Resurgence after 40 years
Paige Patterson’s Baptist lineage runs deep like the taproots of a Shumard Red Oak tree along the Brazos River in Texas. His grandfather was a Texas preacher as well as his father, T.A. Patterson, who pastored the historic First Baptist Church of Beaumont for many years. Dr. Patterson left the Beaumont pastorate to assume the office of Executive Director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas in 1961. 1961 was the same year that Southern Baptists became embroiled in a major controversy … [Read more...]