INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Life News) – Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill promised to give the 2,246 remains of aborted babies found in Ulrich Klopfer’s garage “the decency of a burial that they deserve.” Hill announced Oct. 3 that the babies’ remains have been transferred to a safe place in Indiana as their investigation into the horrific case continues. In September, authorities found 2,246 medically preserved remains of aborted babies in the former Indiana abortionist’s home in Illinois. … [Read more...]
Federal Appeals Court upholds Missouri’s pro-life law
ST. LOUIS – Missouri won a victory Sept. 10 when a federal appeals court allowed the state to enforce abortion clinic regulations that would protect patients suffering from potentially life-threatening complications. The state laws require that abortionists have hospital admitting privileges for patient emergencies and that abortion facilities meet the same basic health and safety standards as other ambulatory surgical centers. Sept. 10, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit … [Read more...]
Mo. legislature defunds Planned Parenthood
JEFFERSON CITY (Life News) – The Missouri Legislature has approved a budget for the coming fiscal year that bans the allocation of Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood and other providers that perform abortions or refer clients for abortions. Pro-life language containing the restriction on Medicaid reimbursements was inserted into the social services budget for fiscal year 2018, which begins July 1st. The amendment was sponsored by Representative Robert Ross of Yukon. It affects a … [Read more...]