ARCHIE – Fellowship Church, Greenwood, launched as a legacy church plant in 2011 as the first campus of Lenexa Baptist Church, with a donated facility and a handful of dedicated people. MBC president and Fellowship Greenwood senior pastor Chris Williams says that through a major team effort of dozens of people, the church has grown into a thriving and growing ministry for all generations, creatively fulfilling their mission to make disciples. The church became autonomous in 2018 and set … [Read more...]
Freeway Ministries launch draws more than 100
OMAHA, Neb. — Freeway Ministries launched its newest program in Omaha on Saturday, August 1 the old fashioned way – by going door to door, sharing the gospel. A team of 20-plus people, all of whom came from the Springfield-based ministry, canvassed the downtown area earlier that morning to converse with the addicted, the poor, the tempted and the broken. One hundred and seven people responded to their invitation to attend the first meeting at the Omaha Baptist Center. “We didn’t have … [Read more...]