As a pastor, I’m grateful for the way our church family participates and responds in worship. They are “all in” whether it’s during the musical portion of worship, praying, reciting verses, or the sermon, and I greatly appreciate it. I especially appreciate our time together as each week we recite an article of the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. Granted, I know it’s not the same as Scripture (no Baptist should ever say it is), but it highlights some top-tier things we believe about … [Read more...]
Ken Parker: The Nostalgia of HLGU & Highway 36
It’s easy to become pessimistic, isn’t it? I mean, every time we turn on the television, check the news on the web, read the paper (some of you know what I mean when I say “read the paper”. . . if not, ask your grandparents). We all need things, people, and experiences to help us maintain perspective. I’m afforded the rich opportunity to meet a lot of people and sometimes have the chance to represent Jesus and our church in some really great places. Such was the case last Wednesday. I had … [Read more...]