(WNS) - Republicans leaders finally took the advice of pro-life lawmakers and advocates, agreeing not to cut the adoption tax credit. GOP leaders unveiled the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act a week ago, and to the surprise of many, the 429-page document included language ending the credit that helps families cover the cost of adoptions. No one but a handful of top-level Republican lawmakers and staffers knew about the exclusion before the release of the landmark bill. Now, blindsided pro-life … [Read more...]
Standing up for conscience
(WNS) - Pro-life advocates on Nov. 8 urged Congress to ensure passage of a bill protecting the conscience rights of healthcare providers. Tears streamed down Cathy DeCarlo’s face as she recounted her experience as a nurse in New York City. In May 2009, DeCarlo entered an operating room assuming she was there to treat a woman after a miscarriage only to find out the unborn baby was still alive. Her supervisor instructed her to help assist in the abortion or risk disciplinary action. … [Read more...]
Trump administration sending mixed messages on religious freedom
WASHINGTON (WNS) – President Donald Trump promised his administration will defend religious freedom, but conflicting messages from the White House last week left conservatives holding their breath. At the National Prayer Breakfast on Feb. 2, Trump spoke at length on religious persecution around the world and claimed the United States flourishes when religious liberty flourishes. Those comments followed a leaked executive order draft that would instruct multiple government departments to … [Read more...]
Texas Planned Parenthood referred for prosecution
WASHINGTON (BP) – The House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives referred Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast for criminal prosecution to the Texas attorney general Dec. 1 over allegations it sold aborted babies' body parts. "There is so much that we the American people didn't understand and still don't understand about this industry," said Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, on the House floor. "However, since then, the panel's investigation has uncovered alarming revelations about the fetal tissue … [Read more...]