KANSAS CITY (IMB) – The mission of Spurgeon College’s Fusion program is “to equip young believers for a lifetime by providing a directional process from adolescence to biblical adulthood.” Founded in 2005 at Midwestern College (now Spurgeon College), Fusion began to encourage young Christians to grow into biblical manhood and womanhood by embracing the call of the gospel. Those who participate in the Fusion program prepare to take the calculated risk of trusting Jesus to draw people to … [Read more...]
Missions education pays off for fifth and sixth graders with IMB tour
RICHMOND, Va. – Staff of the International Mission Board showed their enthusiasm while hosting a group of fifth and sixth graders from Southern Hills Baptist Church of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The children visited the IMB headquarters in Richmond, Virginia, as a reward for completing eight mission projects during the 2020-2021 school year. The eight projects included interviewing a missionary, writing a report on a country, writing a book report on a missionary biography and learning key … [Read more...]
Indigenous people in Colombia sustained by Send Relief funds
COLOMBIA (IMB) – Through the efforts of Send Relief and the vision of an IMB team, a displaced Indigenous people group in Colombia has found a means of survival and financial stability. Meghan Aranda, an IMB journeyman, serves in Colombia among Indigenous people along the coast, including the Zenu. Toward the beginning of her two-year term, Aranda attended a workshop hosted by Send Relief in Panama. The purpose of the workshop was to provide practical tools to equip or start … [Read more...]
People group in Congo Basin share Bible stories in heart language
SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA (IMB) – International Mission Board missionary couple Jay and Kathy Shafto understand the importance of people hearing the gospel in their own languages. The Shaftos currently serve in the Congo Basin of Sub-Saharan Africa. Throughout this area, a significant number of people groups have yet to hear the gospel presented in their heart language. In partnership with Seed Company, a Bible translation organization, the Shaftos and their partners in the Congo Basin are … [Read more...]
Former Hands On student leads anti-trafficking organization in Italy
ITALY (IMB) – At age 15, Cristhina Danies knew God was calling her to work with women and children overseas who were victims of wars, human trafficking and exploitation. Danies moved to Miami, Florida, from Colombia, South America, when she was 11 years old. She became a believer in her teens and sensed God’s direction to serve in missions soon after. While in high school, Danies took Italian language classes and fell in love with the culture. “I started praying for Italy,” said … [Read more...]
Mississippi doctor uses specific skills overseas, realizes continuing volunteer opportunities
NEW ALBANY, Miss. – Dr. Justin Lohmeier, M.D., had no idea how valuable his skills as a healthcare professional could be, when he was first presented the opportunity to volunteer overseas with the International Mission Board. Growing up, Lohmeier said he loved reading and hearing stories about IMB missionaries in church, especially during the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® season. While he admired IMB missionaries, he never thought of himself as someone who would serve in that … [Read more...]
IMB missionary on the brink of death from COVID healed in answer to prayer
UGANDA – George Smith’s COVID-19 test came back positive. The diagnosis began a months-long battle of prayer and physical challenges for Smith and his wife Geraldine, IMB missionaries in Uganda. George contracted the virus in January 2021 while attending a training event in a small Ugandan village. A week after he returned from the training, he received a call from friends at the training letting him know that they had COVID. Since George had a small cough, he decided to get tested just to … [Read more...]
Faithful teaching leads to spiritual growth in Kenya
KENYA – Christianity is prevalent in Kenya; 85.5 % of Kenyans identify as Christian according to the 2019 U.S. State Department’s World Factbook. However, the majority of Christians in Kenya have a misconstrued view of Jesus and the Bible, said Daniel Lowry, an IMB missionary who serves in Nairobi. In a post-colonized era, western practices have infiltrated and woven themselves into the fabric of Kenyan traditions and culture. One popularized idea that has seeped into the Kenyan religious … [Read more...]
Congolese leaders learn from stories of David
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO – IMB missionary Jay Shafto recognizes not knowing what to say and being rejected are two of the main concerns people have when sharing the gospel. Shafto addresses these concerns as he equips believers in the Congo Basin to share the gospel confidently and continually. Jay and his wife, Kathy, have served in this region for the past four years. The couple’s work is not focused on a specific people group, but a territory. The territory where the majority of … [Read more...]
One Missourian among 21 IMB missionaries appointed
RIVERSIDE, Calif. (IMB) – Representing Southern Baptist churches throughout the United States, 21 International Mission Board missionaries were publicly celebrated during a service at Magnolia Church in Riverside, Calif., Jan. 29. One Missourian was among the missionaries commissioned. Her identity was withheld for security purposes, since she will serve in North Africa and the Middle East. The missionaries were voted on and approved by IMB trustees earlier in the week in California. Dr. … [Read more...]
Chinese government designates Lottie Moon’s church as historical site
PENGLAI, China (BP) – The name, "Lottie Moon," is known by Southern Baptists far and wide. From the Woman's Missionary Union's Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to movies, books and documentaries detailing her life of service, Lottie Moon is often hailed as a "missionary hero." Lottie Moon's legacy will now be preserved beyond the Southern Baptist realm. Wulin Shenghui Church of Penglai in Shandong province, where Lottie Moon was a member during her time in Dengzhou, China, has been … [Read more...]