EDITOR’S NOTE: Jeff Iorg serves as president/CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee. For further perspectives on this issue, read these articles by Robin Hadaway, Randy Davis, and R. Albert Mohler. NASHVILLE (BP) – The Southern Baptist Convention will soon consider final action on an amendment to the SBC Constitution stating that a cooperating Southern Baptist church “affirms, appoints, or employs only men as any kind of pastor or elder as qualified by … [Read more...]
COOPERATIVE PROGRAM: An ‘invisible army’
ONTARIO, Calif. (BP) – While preaching in a southern state recently, the invisible yet tangible support Southern Baptists give their entities revealed itself in a meaningful way. After my message, an older gentleman came up to talk with me. He said, "It was good to hear about Gateway. We have always prayed for our seminaries. I've never met anyone from there. I'm glad to meet you and hear how God has blessed the school by our support." The genius of the Cooperative Program is it … [Read more...]