EDITOR’S NOTE: Rodney Harrison serves as president of The Baptist Homes & Healthcare Ministries.
I always look forward to our January leadership team workshop. These events provide an opportunity for campus administrators and corporate leaders to enjoy a time of prayer, planning, and reflection. While our ministry has five strategic priorities for 2025, they all fall under the overriding principle of biblical stewardship.
Each of us serves this ministry as a custodian of the time, talents, resources, and relationships God has given to us. While I am accountable to a board elected by our Missouri Baptist Convention messengers, ultimately, I am accountable to the LORD as a steward of family, friends, calling, and experiences to accomplish His purpose.
The principle of stewardship will guide Baptist Homes in 2025 as we pursue the following five priorities.
1. Build Census. While every empty bed is a missed ministry opportunity, each empty bed also impacts our bottom line. For the most part, the days of waiting lists is over, especially for Assisted Living apartments and skilled nursing care. Census declines from 2000 to 2021 threatened the viability of this ministry. Our leadership team is committed to ensuring quality stewardship of each home and bed in our system.
2. Staffing that Supports the Mission. Baptist Homes has established staffing priorities that place our direct care staffing in the upper quartile of the industry. While this supports quality care, our stewardship of staff will promote quality communication and service that undergirds mission of Christlike care.
3. Quality Training. From the front office to the caregiver who answers a call light at 1 am, quality training through in-services and continuing education is essential. We must steward ongoing training in best practices, regulatory compliance, and teamwork, and the BHHM guiding principles if we are to fulfill our purpose of Pleasing God and Helping Others Do the Same.
4. Exceptional Residential Care. Our mission of providing Christlike Care of the Aging means we must be stewards of God’s word to “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31). We all appreciate experiences that exceed our expectations. At Baptist Homes, our goal is to provide an exceptional experience for our residents and neighbors.
5. Enhanced Church and Community Involvement. As an entity of the Missouri Baptist Convention, we are privileged to be part of a denominational family of 1700 churches. Spencer Hutson, BHHM Church Relations Specialist, notes, “Christian volunteers provide a connection to churches and the outside world that is beyond staff and families. Volunteers almost always testify that they get more out of serving than they give. They provide a service that cannot be purchased. Volunteers give out of a stewardship of their time which is heartfelt and noticed by residents and families.”
I am thankful for the prayers and support provided to Baptist Homes by individuals and churches. Know that our board and leadership team are committed to faithfully stewarding all that God has entrusted to this ministry.
Have a blessed New Year!