On a daily basis, I strive to say “thank you” to someone serving faithfully. Maybe it’s one of our administrative assistants, dedicated to serving with excellence despite very little recognition. Maybe it’s Brooks or Kelly at the Baptist Building, taking care of a thousand matters few will ever notice (unless it doesn’t get done!). Saying “thank you” is a practice we would all do well to adopt, because truthfully, people serve faithfully throughout Missouri every single day!
Today, let me say a very sincere “thank you” to our pastors, ministry leaders, and our affiliated MBC churches. Our Cooperative Program goal for 2024 was $15 million. I’m incredibly proud to report that we exceeded our goal, receiving $15,274,455!!
Why is this significant? First, it’s only the second year since 2009 we’ve exceeded $15 million (the other year was 2021). So that in and of itself is something to celebrate! Second, it allows Missouri Baptists to further support vital ministries.
A percentage of every dollar invested in the Cooperative Program provides support for our six Missouri Baptist entities (Missouri Baptist University, Southwest Baptist University, Hannibal-LaGrange University, Missouri Baptist Foundation, Baptist Homes & Healthcare Ministries, and the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home). Based on our spending plan, over 23% of our Cooperative Program dollars goes to support our entities. So, when we exceed our goal, our entities receive additional support, and that’s something to celebrate!
Also, a percentage of every dollar invested in the Cooperative Program supports the ministries of the Missouri Baptist Executive Board. At the annual meeting in October, I communicated our plan for the foreseeable future. As a convention of churches, we’re going to focus on prayer, evangelism, missions, church planting, and church renewal. How will we fund these initiatives? Well, thank you for asking! Based on our spending plan, just over 36% of our Cooperative Program dollars goes to support Missouri Baptist ministries. When we exceed our goal, we are able to help more churches and support additional ministries, and that’s something to celebrate!
Last, a percentage of every dollar invested in the Cooperative Program supports our Southern Baptist entities and ministries. We support missionaries through the International Mission Board, church planters through the North American Mission Board, and theological education through our six seminaries. Based on our spending plan, 40% of our Cooperative Program dollars goes to support Southern Baptist causes. When we exceed our goal, our entire Southern Baptist family benefits, and that’s something to celebrate!
Thank you for generously and sacrificially supporting the Cooperative Program! After serving as a pastor for more than 20 years, I know the difficulty of allocating a percentage of undesignated receipts for the Cooperative Program. I’ve been in those finance committee meetings. I’ve had those conversations. But I also know the joy of cooperating! I know the strength of pooling resources to support ministries beyond a single church’s capability. I truly believe we are better together!
Therefore, on behalf of our entities, staff, missionaries, planters, students and seminaries, let me once again say, “Thank you.” Your faithfulness to the Cooperative Program truly makes a difference.