Presents, presents, presents! Big, little, in-between—gimme all ‘dem presents! Yes, I’m that person. I openly tell people I’m that person, and I’m not even sorry about it. Know why? Because I get all the presents, and I love presents.
You know those friends who “don’t really want a gift” around Christmas? I feel like those people don’t get me at all. And whether they get me or not, they highly disapprove of me and my present-want-y ways.
They’re mostly justified and completely right to disapprove, mind you. I disapprove a little bit too. But I still want presents. Lots of presents.
Could I rationalize some of this by saying my want-y ways aren’t exactly as “want-y” as they are “like-y.” I really like the thrill of opening up that mysterious bag or ripping open that intriguing package. It doesn’t have to be an expensive gift. It doesn’t even have to be all that great a gift. Just…a present.
One time I opened a gift from a friend and found a card tucked inside. With my friend’s name on it. She needed more practice at gift recycling, but I have to tell you, I wasn’t offended. Guess why. Present! Pick me up something at somebody’s half-baked rummage sale, and I’m still good. Those are actually some of my favorites. Who wouldn’t want a chip and dip bowl with giant googly eyes? (Careful not to eat those eyeballs, though. Those are not chips.)
There’s an absolutely thrilling aspect of God that outshines any other thrill. It’s His desire to be present in our lives. That’s the very heart of the Christmas story. Jesus left His throne in a glorious heaven to be present here on earth. The redemption plan began before the foundation of the world, and it was all brought about by God’s loving, merciful desire to have us in His presence, and for us to have Him in ours. Mysterious, intriguing gift—almost unfathomable, isn’t it?
Oh, Christmas. You are a gift of a season. And a season of the most amazing Gift.
What a great time to set aside special moments of reflecting on God coming near in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus came as a baby, suffered and died in payment for our sin—all so we could have right relationship with a holy God, and enjoy His presence.
As much as I love presents, every gift I’ve ever received is a big bunch of googly-eyed nothing in comparison to the stunningly good gift of His presence. “But as for me, God’s presence is my good. I have made the Lord God my refuge, so I can tell about all you do” (Psalm 73:28 CSB).
Whatever you may be experiencing at this moment, there’s perspective and peace, safety and satisfaction—absolutely everything you need—in the power of His presence. Revel in His closeness. His presence, your present. It’s personal. That’s your name on the card. This present is for you.
Those other presents though? Seriously ya’ll, that’s a googly eye. Spit that out.