ST. LOUIS (MBU) – Missouri Baptist University (MBU) is establishing a master of science in applied exercise physiology and human performance, set to begin Fall 2025.
The program, designated as a STEM related degree by the Department of Education, will prepare students for a professional career in the strength and conditioning industry. Students will have opportunities to work hands-on with collegiate athletes, developing high-level skills in research application, strength training, nutrition and recovery methods. They can choose between two capstone tracks: an assistantship, where MBU faculty will assist with placement, or a research thesis, which would require a thesis capstone instead of an assistantship.
Dr. Megan Cottet, assistant professor of Health and Movement Sciences; director of the Athletic Performance Department; and program coordinator of Exercise Physiology and Human Performance, is excited to welcome the first cohort of students next fall.
“This program is unique because students will have an opportunity to work directly with the student-athletes,” said Cottet. “This is a very hands-on and in person program with a lot of opportunities for application, and we already have a great first cohort of students coming in.”
Learn more about MBU’s master of science in applied exercise physiology and human performance degree.