In pastoral counseling, I have learned that people can be very complex.
As I learned to navigate through such matters, I would often say, “Questions prick the conscience, statements harden the heart.” That has served me well as I walk alongside people in their struggle with sin!
“The purpose of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out” (Prov 20:5). Scripture indicates that we can draw out the deep, heart-level issue by soul searching.
Charles Spurgeon said it well, “You must keep all earthly treasure out of your heart, and let Christ be your treasure, and let Him have your heart.” Earthly treasure must be surrendered to Christ, as He must reign over all treasures of the heart.
I cannot recall who or when this was shared with me, but I recently went through these ideas and believe they are helpful for every Christian to ask.
Here are eight diagnostics questions to probe deeper in soul searching.
1. A Secret Sense of Pride
An exalted feeling or view of your success or position. Perhaps because of your education, training, or even appearance—this reveals itself in an independent spirit.
What do you see as your rights? What do you feel entitled to?
2. Love of Man and Praise of People
A secret fondness to be noticed is a manifestation of “self-love.” Love of supremacy. This often comes in one’s conversation and may show up during public prayer time as well.
Whose opinion matters to you? Do you get depressed when you are wrong or when you fail?
3. Stirring of Anger or Impatience
We may sometimes call this “nervousness” or “holy indignation.” It falls into the category of “touch-sensitive spirit,” where you resent and retaliate when disapproved of or confronted by issues. Do you throw sharp, heated flings at others when you are irritated?
In what situations do you struggle with anger (Jam 4:1-2)?
4. Self-Will
A stubborn or unteachable spirit. This shows in the argumentative, harsh sarcastic expression, or a driving commanding spirit. This holds a sense or disposition that criticizes others or picks faults and points fingers at other people.
In what experiences from the past do you have a hard time letting go?
5. Carnal Fear
This is “fear of man” rather than “fear of God.” There is a shrinking fear from those of wealth or position. There is a fear that someone will perhaps offend and push people away. What do you fear? What things do you find yourself seeking to avoid?
6. A Jealous Disposition
A secret spirit of envy shoots up in your heart. There is a sense of unpleasant sensation rather than an appreciation of the success of others.
Where do you tend to struggle with envy? What do you find yourself wanting that others have and you don’t?
7. A Dishonest, Deceitful Disposition
The evading and covering of the WHOLE truth. When doing wrong doing, people tend to cover up their real faults and try to leave a better impression than the other person. This portrays a “false humility.” Have you been honest with God, yourself and others?
8. Unbelief
A spirit of discouragement in the pressure and opposition of life often reveals itself in the lack of quietness before God and confidence in Christ. This becomes evident in a lack of faith and trust in God. Worrying and complaining become the norm in this person’s life. In what situations do you tend to doubt the truths of Scripture? When do you tend to experience fear, worry, or anxiety (Matt 6:19-34)?
What other questions would you add to the list?