ST. CHARLES – A year ago, newly elected Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) Executive Director Wes Fowler introduced himself to Missouri Baptists on the annual meeting stage in Springfield. Earlier this week, after a year of traveling the state, meeting with hundreds of Missouri Baptists, and analyzing data about their churches, Fowler shared his vision for the MBC staff he leads.
“Our pastors, DOMs, and ministry leaders care deeply about the spiritual condition of our state,” he told messengers and visitors to the 190th gathering of Missouri Baptists at the St. Charles Convention Center, Oct. 28. “A love for the church is evident, and a burden for the lost is sincere.”
Fowler then shared his vision of where he believes the MBC staff should direct its focus in the years ahead. “I believe the role of the convention is quite different than the role of the local church,” he said. “My goal is to position the convention to help local churches fulfill their calling – especially in areas of potential concern.”
Fowler began by revealing a slight change in the MBC’s vision statement: Transforming lives and communities with the gospel. Because the convention’s role is a supporting one for its 1,700-plus affiliated churches, Fowler said a more fitting vision for the MBC staff is: Helping churches transform lives and communities with the gospel.
He then went on to outline enhancements in MBC ministries that better reflect that supporting role. These include:
- Plans to organize a strong statewide prayer ministry.
- An initiative to help MBC-affiliated churches refocus and reprioritize evangelism.
- Resources to help churches and associations develop strategies and provide opportunities for missions mobilization.
- A stronger partnership with Send Missouri to plant more churches across our state.
- A priority on church renewal with a focus on healthy pastors, healthy churches, and healthy associations – a move that addresses the fact that 62 percent of Missouri Baptist churches are plateaued or declining.
- Strengthening the way MBC’s media and communications tell the story of what God is doing in Missouri Baptist life – including more extensive use of video and social media.
- Continued support of and partnership with MBC’s entities: The Missouri Baptist Children’s Home; Baptist Homes & Healthcare Ministries; The Missouri Baptist Foundation; Hannibal-LaGrange University; Southwest Baptist University; and Missouri Baptist University.
Fowler then shared time on the platform with the MBC’s ministry directors, who outlined ways their organizations are embracing these initiatives in the coming year. These directors are Brad Bennett, Making Disciples; Martin Winslow, Multiplying Churches; Jim Misloski, Developing Leaders; Gaylon Moss, Disaster Relief; Rob Phillips, Ministry Support; and Jerome Stockert, Collegiate Ministries.
During Fowler’s time on the platform, messengers and visitors viewed the premiere of an MBC-produced animated video that kicked of a year-long celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Cooperative Program.