Anyone smell a sweet fall blustery-breezing its way in yet? Little hint, it’ll smell a lot like pumpkin spice. I love the signs and smells of a new season.
When it comes to seasons, people can get a little weird about some parts. I once met a lady who only drank coffee in the winter. I want to tell her (with entirely too much blustering on my part) that it’s a cup of coffee. Not a wool scarf.
Coffee is not a “white shoes after Labor Day” kind of thing. Which I’ve heard is also no longer a thing anyway. But no matter what color shoes you’re wearing, coffee goes with all of them. All the seasons are coffee seasons, thank you for understanding.
Godly wisdom is in a different vein of understanding. I don’t mean worldly wisdom that’s rarely any kind of wisdom at all. But a deep and true understanding of life and all its happenings from God’s view. True wisdom is applying and living according to that understanding. “Maintain sound wisdom and discretion. My son, don’t lose sight of them. They will be life for you and adornment for your neck” (Proverbs 3:21-22 CSB). Wisdom scarf! With life and favor and grace tucked into it. A few chapters later, we read, “For whoever finds me (Wisdom) finds life And obtains favor and grace from the Lord” (Proverbs 8:35 AMP).
Every day holds a new slate of decisions. How many creams in my coffee? Should I go to college? Can I wear that scarf this late in the season? Should I invest in that friendship? Should I marry that person? Which career should I choose? How should I invest my time today? My money? The choices can be absolutely overwhelming.
Not to worry. Your God cares about your decisions, and He is faithful to give you wisdom. Some of your answers are spelled out in black and white within the pages of His word. Get to know Him through scripture and many of those choices become crystal clear.
Earthly “wisdom” will tell you that you need to go with your gut. It says ask yourself how you “feel” about your choice. But feelings and emotions are up, down, and all over the place. Worse than seasonal. You can’t trust them.
Trust in God, not in your own thoughts and emotions. Making a decision because it “feels right” leads countless people right into some incredibly dumb moves—often with devastating consequences.
Living in His wisdom, letting it become a natural part of how we walk out our faith, takes us to safer life places. The Proverbs passage says, wear that wisdom scarf and “you will go safely on your way; your foot will not stumble,” (vs. 23).
Struggling with a decision? Ask God for wisdom. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him,” (ESV). And the psalmist said, “I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons,” (Psalm 16:7, NKJV). When your heart is filled with His Spirit, you can trust Him for heart-wisdom even in the night seasons.
And it makes sense. Night seasons will always feel comfier with a wisdom scarf.