DALLAS (BP) – More than 15,000 room nights will be available to Southern Baptists when the annual meeting reservation portal opens at noon EDT on Monday, Oct. 7.
“The last two years, we have seen tremendous responses to the opening of reservations,” SBC Executive Committee vice president for convention administration Jonathan Howe told Baptist Press.
“As a result, our reservation system provider, Maritz, has implemented technological improvements in their systems, including a queue and a waiting room, that better allow them to handle the volume of Southern Baptists that are reserving hotels on day 1,” he said.
The rooms are available at more than two dozen hotels, according to Howe, and more will be added in coming weeks.
The 2025 SBC Annual Meeting and Pastors’ Conference is set for June 8-11 at Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center just blocks away from First Baptist Church Dallas.
Howe said they’ve made a slight modification to the registration process since more messengers are coming from the central and western portions of the United States.
“The one small change we made this year is that the reservations system will open a little later in the day,” he said.
“As we have more and more messengers coming from western time zones, we wanted to provide them with a little more time in the morning to be ready.”
While thousands of other accommodations options are available across Dallas during the annual meeting, the SBC’s registration portal is the only way to receive the SBC group rate for rooms.
“While we fully expect the rooms to sell out next week, there will be a waiting list made available for those unable to initially secure rooms,” Howe said.
And, if you end up on the waiting list, he said you shouldn’t lose hope.
“Last year, we had more than 750 parties on the waiting list at one point and were able to secure rooms for each one by the time of the annual meeting,” he said.
“So, if you are unable to reserve a room next week, be sure to join the waiting list, and our team will work diligently to place you as soon as rooms come available.”
Registration will open at the SBC Annual Meeting website.