JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Baptist Convention’s (MBC) Christian Life Commission (CLC) has created resources to help churches defend life by speaking out against Amendment 3 – a proposed amendment to the Missouri Constitution that would codify extensive abortion rights.
The CLC is the public policy arm of the MBC. The CLC’s website ( provides a downloadable trifold brochure that churches can give to their church members, as well as a document with talking points about Amendment 3.
The CLC has also urged Missouri Baptists to register to vote. The last day to register to vote in the Nov. 5th general election is Oct. 9.
The MBC emailed the CLC’s Amendment 3 resources to Missouri Baptists on Sept. 13, with the following message from the CLC:
“Missouri Baptists seek to bring glory to God by speaking for those without a voice,” the CLC message says. “Thankfully, Missourians have a history of standing for the preborn by saying ‘NO’ to unrestricted abortion. Efforts to end abortion in Missouri have saved the lives of countless children while also giving loving hope to mothers in crisis.
“Now, the abortion industry has poured money into a deceptive effort to legalize abortion in Missouri. Under the guise of a ‘Right to Reproductive Freedom,’ abortion advocates seek to enshrine unrestricted abortion into Missouri’s state constitution. However, Missourians know that the abortion industry’s motivation has nothing to do with rights, healthcare, or protecting women. This November, Missourians must once again stand for LIFE and oppose abortion by voting NO on Amendment 3.
“Your Missouri Baptist Christian Life Commission has been working tirelessly to provide our churches with useful information regarding the upcoming Amendment 3. Polling indicates that voters are less likely to vote for this amendment when educated about the reality of its extreme promotion of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. It is our duty to ensure that our churches and communities are well informed. To assist you as you stand for LIFE, we have provided sharable church letter, bullet point information, along with an attached MOsaysNO tri-fold.”
Read more below about other resources regarding Amendment 3.
Access the PDF of the #MOsaysNO brochure at
This #MOsaysNO brochure, created by the Missouri Baptist Convention’s Christian Life Commission, can be accessed as a PDF document here:
Other resources
Other organizations have created resources about Amendment 3 that may be helpful to churches:
• The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has created a bulletin insert about Amendment 3 that can be accessed online here:
• Missouri Right to Life (MRL) created the resource, “10 Reasons to OPPOSE Pro-Abortion Amendment 3” (shown at right). This and other resources are available on the MRL website here:
JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Right to Life has released this informational resource regarding Amendment 3. It can be accessed at (Missouri Right to Life artwork)