EDITOR’S NOTE: Timothy Faber serves as legislative consultant with the Missouri Baptist Convention.
JEFFERSON CITY – Proverbs 24:10-12 says: “If you are slack in the day of distress, your strength is limited. Deliver those who are being taken away to death, and those who are staggering to slaughter – oh hold them back! If you say ‘See, we did not know this,’ Does He not consider it who weighs the hearts? And does He not know it who keeps your soul? And will He not render to man according to his work?”
We are living in days of distress. If we are slack, and if our strength is limited, then there will be many being taken away to death! We must deliver them!
We need not wait until they are facing imminent termination to deliver them. We must deliver them by opposing and stopping those who would kill them. There are evil forces at work seeking to kill our children, seeking to snuff the very life out of precious ones made in the Image of God. Satan is the one who seeks to steal, kill and destroy. Our God gives life. And we must allow Him to work through us for the cause of life.
On Nov. 5, we will be asked to vote on a proposed amendment to Missouri Constitution – namely, Amendment 3. This amendment, if passed by voters, would allow abortion during all nine months of pregnancy, would eliminate parental consent for minors to have an abortion, would remove current medical standards required for an abortion, absolve any abortionist of malpractice in case of injury or death of the mother, violate freedom of religion and freedom of speech by requiring Pregnancy Help Centers to make referrals for abortion, and use your tax money and my tax money to pay for abortions. Furthermore, using the terms “Reproductive Health Care” and “Reproductive Freedom” means that this amendment would legalize the gender transition surgeries and puberty blockers for minors, also without parental consent.
I’m telling you, if you vote in favor of this amendment, you are in favor of killing children, and may God have mercy on your soul.
1. Make sure you are registered to vote. If you have moved, or changed your name, etc. you will need to re-register. Deadline to register to vote in November is Oct. 9.
2. Actually VOTE! There are only about 500,000 eligible voters in Missouri who are not registered… but there are about 2.5 million who are registered but don’t vote! We get out and arrange our traffic patterns and are intentional about so many things of lessor importance. This is literally a life and death matter for over 8,000 people per year.
3. Tell everyone you know to vote NO.
4. Explain to others what Amendment 3 would do.
5. Pray . . . Prayer and Fasting . . . .
If God’s people are silent on this, if we don’t do what we can to deliver those being taken away to death, then we deserve the judgment of Almighty God. We must not be silent! We must make our voice heard!