JEFFERSON CITY (MBC) – This month, each Missouri Baptist church or mission is receiving an important package from the Missouri Baptist Convention, along with a simple request: Please complete the Annual Church Profile (ACP).
What is the ACP? And why is it important?
The ACP is a statistical survey that tracks trends in baptisms, church membership, worship attendance, and other local-church activities. Packets were mailed to every church or association in late June. Surveys should be completed as soon as possible, and no later than Jan. 31, 2025.
The Annual Church Profile is important for several reasons, according to MBC Executive Director Wes Fowler.
First, ACP gives church leaders insights that help them understand present-day challenges and plan for future opportunities. “Lifeway Christian Resources uses the data from more than 47,000 local churches to explore and explain the many changes taking place in Southern Baptist life,” says Fowler.
Second, ACP data is used to determine how many MBC Executive Board members represent each of the eight regions in our state, and how many messengers a local MBC church may send to Missouri Baptists’ annual meeting each October.
Third, ACP helps the MBC track trends in the local church and across our state — from worship attendance to baptisms. It also helps the convention staff learn how local churches are engaging directly in missions.
Finally, ACP data “enables all Missouri Baptists to speak more accurately about the cooperative work we do to make disciples, multiply churches, and develop leaders,” according to Fowler. “Full and accurate accounting of information equips us with a more credible reflection of who we are as a convention of churches.”
The MBC’s 1,718 churches have wonderful stories to tell, says Fowler: “The data collected through ACP is more than just numbers. It represents people whose lives and communities are transformed with the gospel. This encourages all Missouri Baptists to cultivate cooperation at the associational, state, and national levels of Southern Baptist life.”
Missouri Baptists are leaders among state conventions for submitting ACPs, according to Fowler. Last year, 79 percent of MBC churches turned in their completed surveys. “That’s due in great measure to the support of the MBC’s Pam Jeffries, who heads up the ACP project and reaches out to churches and associations to assist them.”
Nearly every association works with the MBC to distribute and collect ACP data. In addition, the MBC’s Jeffries is available to answer questions about the survey, or to help complete the forms. Pam may be contacted by phone at 800.736.6227 ext. 337, or via email at