SPENCER, Iowa (MODR) – It’s a sad case of irony that following a disastrous flood, there’s still a need for more water. That was certainly the case in Spencer, Iowa, after the area received nearly 16 inches of rain over three days in late June, flooding nearly 500 homes, or roughly 40 percent of the town.
Granted, there was plenty of bottled water available after most utilities in the city were cut off. The needs that involved water that weren’t readily available, though, were showers and laundry. That’s why the first response from Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief, was to send in shower and laundry units within three days of the disaster.
SPENCER, Iowa – Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers provide shower and laundry services after floods covered the region. (MODR photo)
Not only was the power out in most sections of town for a week or more, but there were literally hundreds of washers and dryers setting on the curb where damaged possessions were piled for pickup. Those who couldn’t stay in their home or find shelter with friends or family elsewhere received temporary shelter at the Clay County Regional Event Center on the Clay County Fairgrounds. The Red Cross and local charities even provided hot meals for those who were displaced.
In the meantime, three MODR shower and laundry trailers, including the ADA shower trailer, were parked next door to the Event Center where they served those in the shelter, as well as anyone else in the community who chose to use the services.
“On many deployments flood recovery or chainsaw work is the ‘main event’,” said Toby Tucker, one of the first white hats to lead a team in Spencer. “In this case, the shower and laundry units were the main events. Even if the people who were affected by the flood weren’t staying at the shelter next door, much of the city was without power, water or sewer service for several days, affecting an even broader population.
“We were originally told people would be sheltered at four different locations,” Tucker added. “So, we had sent four separate shower and laundry units to the area, including the ADA shower unit. However, as the city consolidated housing into one location, we also consolidated our services at a location next to the event center.”
Consequently, the shower and laundry units have been in constant use since they arrived in Spencer on June 25. In the days since then, MODR has assisted the public by providing over 400 showers and doing close to 500 loads of laundry. And those numbers continue to rise each day the units remain on site.
In the meantime, assessors and flood recovery teams from Missouri, along with teams from Illinois and Georgia have arrived in Spencer to help with clean-up. That includes the 12 MODR Collegiate Interns, who were in Spencer on an earlier occasion when they helped with showers and laundry.
“As of July 10th, we had 72 open requests for assistance,” said Gaylon Moss, MODR State Director. “Several requests, which turned out to only need an application of Shockwave for mold, were taken care of by the assessors as they surveyed the damage.
“It doesn’t matter, though, whether the volunteers helped with assessment, flood recovery, showers and laundry, or feeding the teams, they’ve been invaluable in bringing Help, Hope and Healing to a community that is facing a long recovery. I’m sure the community and the volunteers who continue to provide flood recovery can use our prayers.”
To donate to Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief, go to modr.org/give or mail your donation to: Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief, 400 E. High St., Jefferson City, MO 65101.