JEFFERSON CITY (High Street Press) – The Missouri Baptist Convention, through its High Street Press imprint, has released a new resource for personal or group study titled The Book of Life: God’s Registry of the Redeemed.
The 450-page softcover book explores all references to the book of life in Scripture. The Bible mentions dozens of books, from the Book of the Lord’s Wars to a seven-sealed scroll only Jesus is worthy to open. But perhaps the most fascinating book revealed in Scripture is the one recording the names of the redeemed of all time.
The Book of Life is authored by Rob Phillips of the MBC staff. As he points out in the Introduction, the very notion of this book raises questions: What is the book of life? Why does it exist? Whose names are written there? Once entered, can names be erased? Why does Christ open the book of life on judgment day? And how can individuals know their names are recorded there?
Scripture provides fragmentary answers – the phrase “book of life” appears explicitly in only eight passages – that must be pieced together and laid against the backdrop of all God’s written revelation to understand the divine purpose for the book of life. In this study, readers discover that the book of life discloses the everlasting destiny of all people. It is, the apostle John writes, the Lamb’s book of life (Rev. 21:27), and those whose names are written there are shielded from the lake of fire and welcomed into New Jerusalem.
A person’s entry in the book of life is not based on merit, but on the finished work of the Lamb who was slaughtered, and in whose blood the names of the redeemed are written.
Scripture tells us the book of life is God’s book. Under his sovereign authorship, names are written in the book, and many are subsequently erased from it. In some biblical references, the book of life simply appears to be a record of the living, while in other passages, it’s the roll of God’s faithful covenant people – whose names the Lord promises never to blot out. Context is key for discovering the proper application.
The book features three sections.
Section I: What Is the Book of Life? lays the groundwork for an exploration of Old and New Testament passages on the topic. It explains that the book of life is God’s registry of the redeemed, and it’s a real book, not a metaphor for God’s memory. This section also explores the connection between the book of life and the Lamb’s book of life. Finally, it addresses the challenging question: What does it mean that the book of life was written “from the foundation of the world”?
Section II: The Book of Life in the Old Testament dives into seven Old Testament passages that call the book of life by different names, while maintaining divine consistency.
Section III: The Book of Life in the New Testament takes readers from the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke – that his disciples’ names are “written in heaven” – to the apostle John’s end-of-days vision of New Jerusalem. The final chapter invites readers to ask whether their names are recorded in the book of life and offers biblical insights for discovering the answer. “Closing Thoughts” provides a summary of 20 key biblical truths about the book of life.
Each chapter concludes with a review of key points, along with questions for personal or group study.
In addition, there are six appendices for further reflection, including a listing of direct and indirect references to the book of life in Scripture; a record of all 10 New Testament references to “the foundation of the world;” three questions about hell; the eternal fire – Satan’s ultimate destiny; the book of life in non-biblical literature; and passing the point of no return.
In his Foreword to the book, Andy Chambers, provost, and senior vice president for academic affairs at Missouri Baptist University, writes, “Although brief articles have been published on the book of life in Bible dictionaries, I know of no comprehensive attempt to bring together the whole counsel of God on this important subject like this book. Through patient and careful exegesis of Scripture, Rob brings together every Bible teaching on the book of life.”
The book is available in print and e-book editions from retailers like Amazon.
While individual copies may be ordered through Amazon and other retailers for $24.95, the MBC is offering Missouri Baptist churches that place orders of five copies or more a deeply discounted price of $15 per copy, shipping included. The offer also is valid for churches in state conventions partnering with Missouri – Montana, and Minnesota/Wisconsin.
To receive bulk copies of this new resource, church leaders may call the MBC at 573.636.0400 ext. 301 or send an email to
To request Phillips to speak or lead a conference at your church, send an email to
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