ROGERSVILLE – Horses play a key role in the testimony of Sandy Grube, member of Smyrna Baptist Church, as well as her future. “Equine therapy provides a means to overcome obstacles,” Grube said. “I know from experience because the equine therapy group located behind Smyrna church helped me.”
Now, Grube is sharing things she learned with prisoners in her work as a mentor through Crossroads Prison Ministries. “The prisoners share their Bible studies with me,” she said, “and I look them over and respond with answers to their questions. They are looking for more insight on the Scriptures because many haven’t heard of Jesus or had a personal relationship with him.”
Grube described the program in tiers. The first tier is for prisoners who haven’t been incarcerated for long, and the second tier is for those who have been in jail for ten or more years.
“I work with two prisoners monthly who send me their Bible studies,” she said. “I also work with a long-term girl who has been in prison for about ten years. I’ve worked with her almost two years.”
“In addition to working with them on Bible studies,” she said, “I’m able to send them notes of encouragement and I can pray for them.”
Crossroads is a ministry that mentors can do from their home. “Bible lessons go through the office so that addresses are protected,” she continued. “I’m given an envelope to mail back my review and encouragement directly to the inmate.”
In addition to her work with Crossroads, Grube is pursuing her master’s degree in divinity with the school of urban missions online. “My hope is to become a chaplain in a prison,” Grube said, “I ultimately want to open an equine therapy facility for prisoners,” she said, “I intend to call it Barriers to Boundaries. I have several things to get in place first.”
“I feel like I’ve come full circle,” Grube said, “when I was 8 or 9, the pastor’s wife at Smyrna, Doris Evans, saw me in the backyard as she went to church. She asked my mom if I could go to Bible Camp. I first met God there, but then, I moved away from Him. I did keep the Bible they gave me.”
“I fell into addiction,” she said, “I was trying to cover internal trauma from my childhood. I was near death, but God got with me as He used Dogwood Ranch to help me. The ranch does equine therapy to help veterans and children who have been caught in the cycle of abuse.”
“One day, I was running late,” she continued, “and suddenly Smyrna church was in front of me. I decided to start attending and they have discipled me and loved me.”
“Almost two million people are incarcerated in the United States,” Grube said, “and 87% of those paroled are rearrested within 1-3 years of their release. They must overcome obstacles. They have trouble getting a job and a residence. I want to be able to offer inmates a way to overcome obstacles by working with horses.”
The Bible studies show how God helps overcome obstacles. “Moses and David both overcame obstacles,” Grube continued, “that is a wonderful beginning for them.”