See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. – Ephesians 5:15-18 (NKJV)
Seems like I can still hear my mom saying, “Where does the time go? Why, it seems like just yesterday that all you girls were little and I was rocking you on my lap!” (There were five girls and no boys!)
Yes, somehow time seems to slip by us and before we know it, all the children are grown! That becomes a reminder to us that we should try to make every minute count when we are raising them. Sure, it’s nice to have a pretty and clean house. It’s nice to have the children dressed all neat and clean. It’s nice to have friends and neighbors comment on what a good job we have done. However, those things can wait. The children do not. They continue to grow and grow and before we know it, they are grown and we say to ourselves, “Where did the time go?”
I dare to say that a clean house can wait as long as it is safe. The children are more important! Could it be that we spend our time trying to make sure the house is clean and neat while the children grow up confused as to how to deal with the problems in the world?
Our time spent with children should prioritize the teaching of God’s Word. It is in the Bible that children find answers to life’s questions. I don’t know about others, but there are times when I could actually sit down and cry when I see so many young people confused and causing trouble. It is sooooo sad. They are wondering what to do with their lives when all the time the answer is in the Bible. Could it be that instead of teaching them how to live a productive life pleasing to God, we are simply trying to please people.
It is so sad to watch the news and see how confused our young people are, and possibly all due to the fact that they were never taught right from wrong! Where are our priorities? Which is better? Is it better to have a neat and clean house that people comment about or to have children who grow up knowing right from wrong?
Do we need to examine our priorities to make sure we are accomplishing what God wants us to accomplish with our children? I think so! A messy house will not cause us to go to hell, but many of the actions we are seeing now by our young people certainly will. They are indications that we are not accomplishing what we need to accomplish with our children. Many are very confused and need much help!
Let’s examine our priorities and make sure we have them in a way that is pleasing to God! Of course, there is no perfect parent, but I submit that we can do a much better job than we are presently doing!