EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was written by Charles Phillips, who serves as program director for MBCH Children & Family Ministries.
Sex trafficking of children around the world is never easy to believe. MBCH Children and Family Ministries started its ministry to this population in 2012 in St. Louis. When MBCH Children and Family Ministries began the process of opening a home for minors in 2018 in the Kansas City area, someone from the community argued that a home for minors was not needed and that they didn’t want kids from other countries being brought to her community. “It doesn’t happen here!” she explained. In 2019, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) estimated that 1 in 6 endangered runaways reported to them were likely sex trafficking victims. The International Labor Organization and Walk Free Foundation, in partnership with International Organization for Migration (IOM), estimate that there are 4.8 million people trapped in forced sexual exploitation globally. In 2021 Missouri ranked 3rd in the country with 4.31 per 100,000 people.
For MBCH Children and Family Ministries (MBCH-CFM) it starts with a phone call. Calls come from loved ones, Children’s Division, Homeland Security, or another government agency; calls in need of a safe place for young ladies who have been trafficked or are in jeopardy of being trafficked. Since 2019 MBCH Children and Family Ministries’ Kansas City location has ministered to girls as young as 9 years old. The average age is 14.9; 10% of those have been from other states besides Missouri, and 11.9% have come from other countries.
The young ladies that enter the program are provided a lot of support, but the number one priority is safety and care. Staff work closely with them to set up medical appointments, establish counseling, and education. Education can be challenging given that many of them have had little to no education during the years they were being trafficked. For the 11.9% of girls served in the program who speak little to no English, the challenge is even greater.
With so many horrible numbers and challenges, is there success, can there be healing? In fact, YES! Having an incredible relationship/partnership with the school district, and amazing staff that connect and pray for each client, these young ladies are only at the beginning of their amazing journey of healing. For those that are able, we have seen them return home with their loved ones. For those that can’t, homes have been found whether it be a foster home or stepping down to a transitional living program. One of the most exciting things about the program is that the young ladies who have begun their healing fall in love with the community, school, or church and desire to stay as they continue their healing. With the help of MBCH Children and Family Ministries’ Treatment Family Care program (TFC), families are trained to care for children with high-end needs, then once the young lady is placed in the home, the TFC Specialist continues to meet with the young lady and the family in the home weekly. There the young lady can continue to receive support with school, counseling, and stay connected to a Bible believing church. The tremendous support from the local churches has been encouraging as they rise to the challenge and further the spiritual growth of girls that have come from very hard places. For example, as this is being written, a young lady that successfully left the program and went into a TFC home has asked Jesus to be her Savior and will be baptized shortly. Out of the darkness she was rescued and is now seeking to be forever in the kingdom with our Lord Jesus.
How can you help? If you have a heart for young ladies described in this article, here are some things you can consider:
First, learn more about how to recognize child abuse and what to do if you see it or suspect that it is taking place. MBCH-CFM has trainers all over the state to train Stewards of Children, Darkness to Light, which is a 2.5-hour FREE training course on how to protect children. This can be taught to any size group, with community groups such coaches, youth leaders, and especially Vacation Bible School teachers. If you are interested, please email David.Burch@mbch.org or call him at 417-380-1082.
Secondly, we need staff—those who are willing to work directly with these young ladies. MBCH-CFM uses a live in model that is one week on and one week off which allows for consistency of care for the girls. We provide excellent benefits and pay. Reach out to our Human Resource Department at 1-800-264-6224 to learn more.
Thirdly, we are also in need of more Treatment Family Care homes. We have seen Sunday school classes take the challenge on together. Some in the class are the TFC family, others provide respite and then others provide support with meals, prayer, laundry or just a listening ear. What a group of God’s people can provide for a child in need is simply amazing as they show God’s love.
Finally, we need people who are willing to consistently pray for us. If you are not able to be a staff member or be a foster parent, please pray that God will bring those to us who can, and that God will continue to bless this ministry.