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JEFFERSON CITY – In an email sent out to church leaders, the Missouri Baptist Convention’s (MBC) Christian Life Commission (CLC) has encouraged voter registration, especially as the deadline for registration in the primary election is quickly approaching.
The last day to register to vote in the Aug. 6th primary election in Missouri is July 10, and the last day to register to vote in the Nov. 5th general election is Oct. 9.
In their message to Missouri Baptists, the CLC wrote:
“The first step in choosing leaders in civil government is a small one – registering to vote! Sadly, about half of U.S. churchgoers are not registered to vote. Millions of Christians are forfeiting their privilege to have their voice heard. In Missouri alone, it is estimated that there are over 100,000 Christians who are not registered to vote.
“Conducting voter registration in your church is the first step in encouraging your members to be good citizens. According to the IRS, church voter-registration drives are well within the 501C3 guidelines, and even encouraged, as long as they are non-partisan.
“A digital voter registration printout is available to download for use in your church on June 30, 2024, and/or July 7, 2024. The deadline to register in Missouri for the August 6 primary election is July 10, 2024.
“Thank you for considering this opportunity to register your church members to vote.”
The CLC provided the following PDF document as a resource to help churches conduct voter registration at this link: