DALLAS (BP) — The deadline is fast approaching for churches wanting to contribute to the survey used widely for determining comparable staff wages and benefits in their upcoming budgets. June 30 is the last day for churches to share their information.
Formed through GuideStone, Lifeway Research and Baptist state conventions, the SBC Church Compensation Survey is the largest such free study on American churches and conducted every two years. Results will become available in early fall as churches prepare their 2025 budgets.
The Compensation Survey can be accessed here and includes questions related to the church and its staff as well as for individual ministers. Completing the survey also places respondents in line for a chance to win one of five $100 Amazon gift cards.
“We’re thankful for the churches that have already responded and encourage any churches that haven’t yet to do so by this Sunday (June 30),” said Hance Dilbeck, GuideStone president. “It’s a tremendous free resource that helps churches compare their salary and benefits with similar-sized churches in their state and beyond.”
Information requested by the survey includes average weekly attendance, membership and the church’s 2024 annual budget. Other items needed include employees’ yearly salary, the church’s annual contributions to a retirement plan, annual church-paid insurance premiums, annual housing allowance, Social Security offset and the rental value and utilities for church-provided housing.
No data collected in the survey will be shared with other agencies or used to market products or services to churches.
While individual survey results can be contributed anonymously, results are not reported individually. Respondents will receive advance notice of the survey’s availability.
“The Bible speaks clearly to the importance of showing value to those who labor in the Gospel; this resource serves as a starting point to making informed decisions around fair compensation and benefits,” Dilbeck said. “As churches navigate these complex issues, GuideStone seeks to be a ministry partner, providing pastors with information on best practices in compensation planning.”