Politics … It seems like a dirty word to many. The mere mention of it bothers others. And I get that irritation. We as Missouri Baptists are a gospel people, Jesus above all. And this is the right position. However, that fact has lulled some into the false notion that being about Jesus and the gospel puts them outside the realm of politics. But that can’t be true. The good news announcement touches every aspect of our lives. Complete discipleship demands our faith infiltrates our civic duty for the good of all. Don’t forget, God’s grace runs downhill, His design is good for the believer and unbeliever. The gospel affects my thinking and actions on marriage, family, money, politics, sanctity of life and every part of my personal life.
Granted, there is no need to wade into every political discussion, but when the Bible speaks clearly on an issue, the church should speak clearly, boldly and in a unified voice. The question for you and me is, How do we navigate this particular cultural moment in the state of Missouri? As it stands, Missouri will now be one of the states voting in November for a change to our constitution allowing abortion on demand. The tension for followers of Christ is, How involved should I be in politics? If I jump in with too much passion, it might compromise my witness. Yet, I know I should be engaged.
Baptists are people of the Book. We believe wholeheartedly the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, Holy Scripture. The Bible is clear we are to be salt and light in our communities. The prophet Jeremiah teaches the Israelites a principle the church can follow, as well: To live for and pray for the good of the city of exile. Jesus exhorts us to be a light, a city on a hill, as well as give to Caesar what is Caesars. The Bible highlights people involved in politics, like Joseph in Egypt, Daniel in Babylon, Esther in Persia and John the Baptist condemning Herod.
Because Christians got involved in the founding of this nation, we enjoy so many aspects of flourishing due to God’s blessing on obedience, like freedoms of speech and religion. Because they understood the teaching of Scripture and man’s depravity, we have things like checks and balances in our constitutional Republic.
How do I navigate this tension? How do you navigate it? And how do we navigate it as the Church? I want to invite you to the Cultural Impact Conference in Ozark, Mo., on Sept. 7 to answer that very question. Let’s engage in conversation and equip ourselves to keep Missouri a pro-life state. We are in a battle! Prior to the reversal of Roe v Wade, 8,000 babies were aborted each year. Thankfully, our state was prepared, in large part due to the church’s influence, to lead the way and establish Missouri as a pro-life state where every baby had the opportunity to flourish. That momentous occasion also kick started a fight for life in our state. But now there is a well-funded, strategic initiative to enshrine a culture of death in Missouri.
This is the church’s moment to stand and defend life, and uphold the value of image bearers from conception to grave. It will take every believer leaning in, working and praying to ensure that clinical abortions never take place again in our state. It will take every pastor actively shepherding the 400,000 plus Missouri Baptists to engage in our process to protect babies. It will take every one one of us to keep Missouri a pro-life state for His glory, our good and their flourishing, Will you join us on Sept. 7? Register today! Go online now and register at CIConference.org now.