JEFFERSON CITY – The simple act of refusing to bake a cake landed Jack Phillips in trouble. The Colorado Human Rights Commission accused him of unlawful discrimination because he did not want to be a part of celebrating the “wedding” of a gay couple. Their push to force him to bake that celebratory cake was based on Colorado law, which prevents discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Missouri statute does not read the same. The Missouri Human Rights Act (as it now stands) prohibits discrimination in housing, employment, and places of public accommodations based on race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability, age (in employment only), and familial status (in housing only). And “sex” has repeatedly been understood to mean one’s biological sex, not sexual orientation.
However, there have been numerous attempts to change this. The latest comes from Sen. Greg Razer (D – District 07). Sen. Razer has filed SB 60, which would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of things that cannot be discriminated against. If passed, Missourians could be forced to hire persons who “identify” as anything, regardless of their biological anatomy.
Both the Old Testament (Leviticus 18, Deuteronomy 5) and New Testament (Romans 1) clearly teach that homosexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation and such behaviors are perversions of God’s design. If SB 60 is passed, it will set up a major battle in our state between Religious Liberty and the LGBTQ+ agenda. Furthermore, it will pit the state of Missouri (and us, her citizens) against the Lord God and His Word.
Things move fast in the legislative session. But at the time of this writing, SB 60 has been assigned to the General Laws Committee in the Senate. The chairman of this committee is Mike Bernskoetter. His office number is 573-751-2076. Sen. Greg Razer, the sponsor of this bill, is also on that committee. Other Senators on the committee are: Mike Cierpiot (573-751-1464), Doug Beck (573-751-0220), Rusty Black (573-751-1415), Rick Brattin (573-751-2108), and Lincoln Hough (573-751-1311).
The best option, at this point, is to prevent the bill from being heard in committee. Sen. Bernskoetter could kill the bill by never allowing a hearing on it. If there is a hearing on the bill, our Senators need to be encouraged to do the right thing and vote no, and not pass the bill out of committee.
If you are a constituent of one of the aforementioned Senators, take a moment to call and register your sentiment with them. Even your Senate District is one represented by another Senator, you are still a citizen of Missouri and have a right to have your voice heard, so these committee members anyhow. And as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, we have a responsibility to do so.
Finally, in all things pray. Pray for the hearts of these men, and our Senators as a whole, to stand for righteousness. And pray for the hearts of those who are so deceived by sin, to come to Jesus.