JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptist churches have a new option for remitting their Cooperative Program and designated gifts, beginning Jan. 1. In addition to the traditional method of mailing checks to the Missouri Baptist Convention, churches may now submit their gifts online via electronic funds transfer.
The online giving option is available to all MBC-affiliated churches through SBC Workspace, the web portal that houses data on each church and is accessed through a password unique to each church. The web address for SBC Workspace is:
MBC Chief Financial Officer Samantha Spencer says the new online giving feature offers churches several advantages. “Our churches now have the option to engage in real-time financial transactions that are secure,” she notes. “In addition, online giving helps get funding to the mission field more quickly. And, when an online transaction is made, it automatically posts to the church’s financial report on SBC Workspace.”
Each church has one unique password to enter SBC Workspace. Any church needing a password, or that has forgotten its password, may contact Spencer at
To start giving online after Jan. 1, churches may visit, login, and click on the green “Give” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Instructions for online giving may be found through a link near the top of the home page. Look for “Instructions for Online Giving.”
Information about church online giving is being mailed to all MBC-affiliated churches this month, and being sent via email to church treasurers and directors of missions.
As a reminder, Spencer noted the online giving option is for churches, not individuals, to submit their gifts through the MBC.