ST. CHARLES – Revival is not a sign in a yard proclaiming a church meeting is coming Monday night. It’s the extraordinary movement of the spirit of God among His people that produces extraordinary results. That was Bill Elliff’s message as he spoke to the Missouri Baptist Convention annual meeting, Oct. 24, here.
Elliff is the founder and national engage pastor of The Summit Church in Little Rock, Ark. He is also the pastor/church director for OneCry!, a ministry promoting spiritual awakening among churches. A pastor and speaker for more than fifty years, he has written 15 books on church development and personal equipping.
“God can do more in five minutes of His presence than 50 years of our best human efforts,” he said.
Elliff preached from Luke 3, offering signs that revival is coming through God’s preparatory work: First, that voices are sent preparing the field for harvest, calling for repentance, warning of judgment, and promising hope. Second, desperation deepens, and third, repentance is restored. Fourth, unity builds as fifth spiritual activity increases. Sixth, Christ is exalted.
While those are God’s preparatory works leading to revival, Elliff offered three steps believers should take: don’t swell up with pride, don’t give up during the struggle and look up to the heavens for God’s reviving spirit.
“It’s not our ideas, our opinions or our actions that are exalted, not the latest fad, or theory or program,” he said, “not even revival. Revival isn’t about revival, it’s about Christ. He is the only one that can send what we desperately need.”