ST. CHARLES – Missouri Baptist Convention president Jon Nelson challenged messengers and guests gathered for the MBC annual meeting here, Oct. 24, to focus on the heart.
“That was the difference between Saul and David – the heart,” Nelson said, preaching from Acts 13:21. “Both sinned, but the difference was in the heart and not the actions.”
In his address relating to the convention theme of “Reflecting Christ to a Watching World,” Nelson said it was important to determine why David was considered “a man after God’s own heart.”
“Looking at how David’s heart was in the right place will show us how I reflect goodness in a broken and watching world,” Nelson, pastor of Soma Community Church in Jefferson City, said.
“David would seek after God,” Nelson said. “He had a desire to please God, despite his sin. David trusted God rather than fearing man. He showed that with his faithful service to his flock, going against a lion and a bear. Then he fought Goliath, trusting God.”
Relating it to pastors leading congregations, Nelson cautioned, “Don’t let the wolves roam too long. Put them down. If members decide to leave, let them go. They will come back if they know His voice.”
“David desired to serve rather seeking honor for himself,” Nelson added. “We shouldn’t pump our chests, but bring glory to God. Whether David was a shepherd boy or king, he pointed to God. The world is watching us.”
Nelson also pointed to David’s willingness to confess his sin rather than to cover it up. “He repented of his sin, he turned from it. We are called to confront our sin and not hide from it. Do this for a watching world,” he said, “where there is exposed sin, grace abounds.”
“We need to call out sin. Exposing sin has brought churches back together,” Nelson said. “It is our attitude toward sin. Will we handle it and justify sin, or will we ask for mercy? It is time to call out sin. David fell on his face and asked for mercy from God.”
“Spending time in ministry is also important,” Nelson said. “There are two types of people – those that just fight the battle and pound the dirt, just making dust but not accomplishing the work; and those that bring God in the mix and do real ministry.”
Nelson moved a clear bowl of dirt to centerstage and pounded it to illustrate his point. Then, he picked up a pitcher of water and poured it into the dirt-filled bowl.
“God is the water. Pour Him into the midst of the dirt and mix it in,” he said, as he put both hands in the bowl. “Get dirty and be a part of the ministry. God says, ‘My people deserve it.’”
“The church is full of broken people,” he said. “We must be willing to step in and get dirty. Then, wipe it off and move on.” As Nelson told Missouri Baptists to wipe it off, he pulled out his hands and wiped both mud caked hands on his sparkling white shirt.
“If you don’t know what to do, trust God and let others come alongside,” he concluded. “Walk with your congregation. The world is watching.”