JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief (MODR) is encouraging a day of appreciation on May 22nd for the many volunteers from MBC churches who make up the MODR team.
Gaylon Moss, MBC DR director said, “We are thankful for the volunteers who have chosen to serve the Lord through disaster relief. Without them the mission would not get done.”
Moss and other DR officials said they are asking churches in Missouri to set aside this day in order to say thanks for the workers who serve. Their mission is to “transform lives and communities with the gospel by bringing hope, help and healing in times of crisis.”
They are recommending the DR volunteers be encouraged to wear their gold and blue shirts and hats to their church that Sunday. It is hoped that a time of recognition for these volunteers could be done in the morning worship that day. A video and some facts are available on the DR website. That web address is:
A one minute video is available there which has a message about DR volunteers from Dr. John Yeats, MBC Executive Director. The pastor or worship leaders could present some some inspiring statistics and facts as volunteers are recognized. These include:
• This is a ministry of the Missouri Baptist Convention supported by the Cooperative Program, the Rheubin L. South Missouri Missions Offering, the DR Legacy Fund and designated gifts.
• There are over 2,000 trained volunteers from 800 churches and 58 associations in Missouri.
• The ministry was begun in 1986,
• There were 19 people saved in 2021
• 29,476 meals were prepared last year.
• There were 35 tear out jobs done 15 sifting jobs, 26 debris removal jobs.
• 318 chainsaw jobs were completed.
• 30 temporary roofing jobs were accomplished.
• 57 flood recovery jobs were undertaken and completed.
• Shower and laundry unit trailers provided 2,416 showers and 1,321 loads of laundry
• There were 206 children cared for during times of disaster and at other events.
DR officials asked Missouri Baptist pastors and worship leaders to please consider recognizing DR volunteers on Sunday, May 22 (or another day if it fits better into the church calendar). The volunteers who serve in DR ministry do not seek recognition. But DR leadership say it seems fitting to set aside a day to thank and encourage them for their service.