BOLIVAR – Southern Hills Baptist Church here, in partnership with Southwest Baptist University (SBU), will host a conference, Feb. 19-21, highlighting biblical views of marriage, gender and sexuality.
The conference – “The Gender Choice: Whose is it? – will feature speakers from The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW), a conservative Christian organization founded in 1987 to uphold biblical truth about gender issues.
Guest speakers will include CBMW President Denny Burk, who serves as professor of biblical studies at Boyce College, the undergraduate school of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He will be joined also by CBMW Executive Director Colin Smothers and CBMW Director of Operations Jonathan Swan.
“We are so very thankful for the work of the Counsel for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood,” Pastor Ted Bachman of Southern Hills Baptist Church said. “I remember coming across Grudem and Piper’s work on this subject when I was in high school. Their edited work on this topic, Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, has been an instructive guide and resource. CBMW has been faithfully serving the church since 1987, equipping congregations and their shepherds to understand and embrace the beauty of God’s design for biblical sexuality. …
“We are also excited to partner with Southwest Baptist University for this event,” Bachman said. “We are thankful for Dr. Melson’s leadership at SBU and his desire to provide biblical clarity and direction on these issues in higher education. This type of unapologetic commitment on gender and gender roles at the university level sets SBU apart as an institution committed to moving towards a biblical worldview in all academic disciplines.