“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” (Psalm 116:15). This month I celebrated another decade of life. With this milepost, I am another year closer to my homecoming. In February, The Baptist Home changed its name to Baptist Homes & Healthcare Ministries. This change forecast the addition of Hospice, a ministry designed to ensure those in the final season of this life arrive home safe. This month, Dr. David Sundeen, Executive Director of Missouri Baptist Hospice & Health, will share more about the journey into hospice care.
After listening to the strategic plan and learning about the vision Dr. Harrison had for the Baptist Homes ministry, I realized that God was giving me the opportunity to be a part of another Great Commission ministry that partners with the local church to provide quality, God-honoring end of life ministries to our aging loved ones.
During the 108-year history of the Baptist Homes, one common theme that emerged was “When you come to us, we seek to care of you the rest of your life.” This philosophy continues to serve the residents of our Nursing homes and Assisted living centers very well. However, just as time changes everything, so too has the philosophy of The Baptist Homes. While we still maintain the “come to us” invitation, we have now added to that a Great Commission emphasis where we can say, “we will come to you and care for you the rest of your life.” This added emphasis will become a reality with the introduction of our new Hospice program. Our goal is to be the Christlike standard for nursing home care as well as home based end of life care.
While Baptist Homes has provided outstanding institutional care for our residents, our services have never been available to those who chose to stay at home during their last days. It is our eventual goal to place enough hospice centers around our state so nearly anyone in need of a hospice program will have the choice of being served and ministered to by a Missouri Southern Baptist institution guided by Biblical spiritual and ethical principles.
Our Baptist Homes Hospice program is directed by a simple two-word motto, “Home Safe.” Our mission begins with coming to your home with the advice, education, equipment, medication, and healthcare services that ensure you or a loved one is able to live out their final days safely in their own homes.
If there are situations that make it impossible for the patient to remain safely at home, we at the Baptist Homes have the ability to provide a new safe home at one of our seven facilities across the state. The same quality care provided at home will be available in the safety of a comminity at a location close to loved ones.
Finally, our “Home Safe” mission is not realized with the provision of safety at home. Our commitment to ensure that every hospice patient has the spiritual support and assistance needed so when their time comes to leave this life, they will be home safe in the arms of Jesus.
Baptist Homes and Healthcare Ministries addresses the challenges of growing older by providing Christlike care that honors God, minimizes fear, and maximizes peace of mind for you and your loved ones. For the last century we carried out this quality care at our regional campuses. Soon, through our new Hospice program, we will offer this same care for you and your loved ones in your home.