JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri WMU (MWMU) Missions Celebration and Annual Meeting will be held Sept. 10 and 11 at First Baptist Church, Lake St. Louis.
“We are so excited to see like-minded women and men at our Relentless Pursuit to know God more,” said MWMU President Jan Turner. “We need all churches and associations to help spread the news about the September date, so we have a successful event. It is designed to equip and encourage all of us in missions in our community, state, nation and across the world.”
Online registration is now open for the event, visit
The cost to register is $40, now through Aug. 6, increasing to $50 for late registrations. Students grades 7 through collegiate can register for $15.
“We are especially excited about the Missions Celebration and Annual Meeting this year,” Turner said. “We did not see our brothers and sisters last year due to the cancelation of the event, so we are overjoyed with anticipation.”
As always, the meeting will not disappoint. MWMU Executive Director Bonnie Carter said the two-day agenda will be packed with motivating speakers and testimonies, breakout sessions, ministry projects, WMU age level training, bookstore shopping, Madge Truex Fund Offering and a gift basket silent auction for the Alberta Gilpin Fund.
On the line-up of guest speakers is Sandy Wisdom-Martin, Executive Director/Treasurer of WMU.
“Missions Celebration will offer a wide variety of activities for attendees with all interests and of all ages,” Carter said. “The experience will also foster a special bonding and uniting opportunity for Missouri Baptists, at a very affordable price.”
WMU offers relevant mission-related education for preschool through adults. WMU also wants to encourage all believers to learn about missional living, how to apply the power of prayer, to give to missions and to serve.