NASHVILLE – The Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists (COSBE) honored Missouri Baptist evangelist Jim McNiel during one of their meals at the Southern Baptist Convention’s 2021 annual meeting here. They gave McNiel a plaque, recognizing his 50-plus years in evangelistic ministry.
“I started in 1967, right out of college,” McNiel said, expressing gratitude for the plaque and for God’s faithfulness through the years. “I am so grateful.”
For decades, McNiel’s evangelistic sermons have featured dramatic recitations of long passages in Scripture. In order to preach like this, he has memorized whole chapters – and even books – of the Bible, including many chapters of Matthew, the book of John, some of Mark and Luke, Romans, First and Second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, First and Second Thessalonians, First and Second Timothy, Hebrews, James, First, Second and Third John, Jude, Philemon and Revelation.
McNiel told The Pathway that he prays daily that God will keep him “going, growing and glowing for Jesus.” He also prays that “pastors and churches will realize the importance of the role of the evangelist and that we will see a worldwide sweeping revival.”
Giving honor to God for his 50-plus years in ministry, McNiel quoted from Psalm 104: “Bless the Lord, o my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great. Thou art clothed with honor and majesty.”
“That is my thoughts about the Lord,” McNiel said. “He is clothed with honor and majesty. I am clothed in robes of righteousness because of Jesus. In my own strength, I am nothing, and I know that.”