JEFFERSON CITY – As some progress is being reported regarding COVID-19, caution is still being recommended in many situations. With safety for attendees in mind, the Missouri WMU (MWMU) made a recent decision to reschedule their Mission Celebration and Annual Meeting, moving the date from April to September this year.
The new dates for the Mission Celebration and Annual Meeting will be Sept. 10-11, with the location remaining the same, First Baptist Church, Lake St. Louis.
“We decided to postpone the Celebration to help with the continued concerns of the COVID pandemic,” MWMU Executive Director Consultant Bonnie Carter said. “Moving the date to September will give time for people to be comfortable gathering at larger events.”
Carter said that for now online registration is not available, and refunds are being issued to all who were registered for the April event. The online registration will resume in June for the September meeting, and new information regarding the Celebration will be mailed in May.
For additional information, please contact Carter at