Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105 (NKJV)
It seems that many are truly frightened to enter 2021. Some believe that 2020 was so bad that they dread going into a new year not knowing whether the coronavirus will still be a big problem. Recently, it was reported that Bible sales are up throughout the country as people seem to be searching for answers.
As we read our Bibles, we learn of many times throughout history when there were plagues, wars, dishonest leaders, and other trials. Yet, God is still in control and His Word is still true. It is sad to see so many who have never learned this fact and seem to live in constant fear afraid to make resolutions or set goals due to the “uncertain” future. It would be nice if more people knew that answers to life are truly in the Bible.
As we each set our goals for the coming year, let us first examine the goals we already have. Actually, we each have goals already that we may not realize.
The question is whether they are the right goals. The goals we have as adults affect our child rearing. Some have goals to please others and not cause friction. Some have goals to gain power. Some have goals for their children to become big stars in sports, etc. Some have goals to be rich. Some have goals to have a beautiful house. Some have goals to “keep up with the Joneses”. Some have a goal to “just get through the day”! We could go on and on. These goals may not be written down or spoken, but they show in our actions and determine our choices. Whatever our goals, they should be in accordance with God’s Word.
Goals to please the world and please God at the same time cause conflict within us. Why? It is simply impossible! God looks at things in a different way from the way the world sees them. God looks at the heart. Man looks at the outward appearance. We have to choose where we want to spend our time and effort. Pleasing God is the only one that pays off in the end.
How can we get this fact across to our children if we don’t understand it ourselves? As children listen to parents express fears and make comments, the tone of voice and words we use stick in their minds and affect their behavior. Our children become confused when they constantly have schedules changed or hear fear in the voices of adults. On the other hand, they can experience peace and confidence around adults who, themselves, have learned to rely on God and His Word.
As we think ahead into the coming year, let us remember that God loves us. Some of us have lived through smallpox, polio, tuberculosis, measles, etc. We will never have heaven on earth. That is why we need to do all we can to lay up treasures in heaven! The Bible shows the way down this “not traveled” road!